Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tuesday Tip: Sit Down!

My Tuesday Tip comes from a realization I had last night and this morning. As a disclaimer, please know that my 'tips' are just that ... they are meant to help me grow as a person and parent. I am not, nor will I ever be, an expert in this parenting game.

Remember: We are all just doing the best we can with what we have to work with!

Now then ... back to the Sitting Down!

Work, schedules, laundry, cleaning, activities, school, homework, vehicle maintenance, household maintenance, church, volunteering, spending time with friends ... should I keep going? This is just a partial list of the million things that make up our lives. And, they become the excuses we use to NOT sit down with our families.

I found an article posted on The Hazelden website, Sit-down family dinners can help prevent drug abuse, and I was reminded of why we should avoid the excuses to sit down and eat together.

Last night after soccer and girl scouts, we all finally sat down at 6:45 to eat dinner. We recounted the day, the after school activities, what the week is going to look like and how everyone was feeling. While this is not an ideal time to eat, we did it together!

When my oldest tried to excuse herself shortly after eating to go watch TV, I asked her to please just sit down a little longer so we could continue talking. This got the two-year-old up and moving and our dinner conversation came quickly to a halt. Normally, I would have given in and sent them all to watch TV so my hubby and I could clean up dinner. But, I didn't want our moment to end ... it was the only time ALL day that we were all together.

The dishes sat ... there was a few rounds of Duck, Duck, Goose (or Cloud, Cloud, Sun according to my five-year-old) and a short dance party before the bedtime routine began.

Our hour was only an hour. But, choosing to sit down last night felt so good and after reading the article I mentioned above, I know I made the right choice.

Today is a stay-home day for me. A day off work. A day I usually run around like a mad-woman trying to catch up on life. I chose, again, to sit down. I ate breakfast with my kiddos! This doesn't always happen. It can't always happen. But, when the moments present themselves, we must choose to sit!

It's okay if you've forgotten to sit lately. It's okay if life has been too hectic. Don't beat yourself up. Our family certainly doesn't get it right day after day and week after week. I had two good moments. It's these moments that the kids will hopefully remember (and not the ones where my adult temper-tantrums get the best of me!).

Tonight is another crazy night of activities. The weeks ahead hold no down-time. I will get caught up in the million things that need to be done. I will forget how important it is to just Sit Down. For today, though, I will try to remember it's not about how much I can accomplish, but rather the quality of time spent with my loved ones that matters.

Here's to your terrific Tuesday! My hope is that you find time to Sit Down; that you give yourself a breather from the craziness life has to bring. Not all moments will be enjoyable, but occasionally memorable ones will break through!   

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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