Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tuesday Tip: Enjoy the Moment

Thousands of moments make up each day of our life. Not all these moments are enjoyable ... in fact, many of them could be referred to as, 'It's Okay' or horrible or rotten moments. BUT ...

While it's important to laugh at or recognize the awful, terrible and difficult moments that make up our life, it's more important to focus on the amazing, sweet and joyful moments that actually make life worth living.

Enjoying the moment isn't as easy as it sounds. It's not like we can be expected to be happy, positive and take advantage of every moment we are blessed with. We should ... but it's not realistic!

So my Tuesday Tip isn't to beat yourself up for not enjoying every breath or second in your life. It's to enjoy every moment you can, so you don't get overwhelmed by the difficult times that will inevitably sneak up on you.

I've had the pleasure of being a full-time working mom, a part-time working mom and a stay-at-home mom. When I was each one of these, I had the impression that the other would 'fix' all my inadequacies. That somehow changing my 'working world' would allow me to enjoy more moments with my family and friends.

I was dead wrong. Each of these options in life had their benefits, their struggles ... and none of them create the perfect life. Only I can do that ... by realizing that perfection does not exist.

It's easy to get caught up in the, "As soon as we ... have more money, complete this project, finish this busy season, get through the summer, have kids that are grown ... life will be better." Why are we wishing away the very life we are trying to live.

I once asked a co-worker, years ago, who had older children how he did it- how he felt like he had any quality time with his children when all he was doing was working and running them to and from their activities. His answer came back to me yesterday, "Teresa, we have our best times in the car; meaningful conversations, studying for spelling tests, talking about the future. We make the most of the time we have together."

Wow. I wish I could remember his words more often.

Last night I changed my clothes, threw some food in a picnic basket, grabbed some blankets, instructed my son to grab his soccer stuff so he could change in the car and headed off to practice. Might I add that I did this all in a matter of seven minutes. Impressive? Well ... I was pleased. Anyway, there were some squabbles in the car amongst the four children, but I wasn't going to let it bring me down.

For a night, I actually enjoyed the two and a half hours I got to spend with my kids. This isn't always the case ... too often I would have gotten caught up in the fact that we were four minutes late for soccer or that my kids can't be together for more than a minute without fighting or that it was 115 degrees in September or that I've re-dried the same load of laundry four different times hoping to fold it, or, or, or!

I've come to realize it's the quality, not the quantity of time spent with those we love. Enjoy the moment. Live in the moment. Good or bad, the moments that come and go are our life. Our life is what we make of it.

My hope for you this Tuesday is that you are able to enjoy more moments than not in your day. That snip-its of your day are filled with glory. That occasionally you will fight off the urge to get caught up in negative thoughts or emotions. While I hope this for you ... I hope this for me, too!

Have a Terrific Tuesday! And remember, it's okay not to enjoy every moment ... just try to enjoy as many as you can.

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
Visit www.itsokaybooks.com to learn more!
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