Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tuesday Tip: Smile:)

Did you know that it takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile?

It's actually more work to be crabby and sad than happy and joyful.

Why not just let magic happen ... smile!

A few weeks ago, I blogged about my husband telling me how beautiful I was ... WHEN I DIDN'T HAVE THE NASTY SCOWL ON MY FACE! Yes, he called me out on my muscle work-out. I was truly choosing to be crabby and my face actually did hurt a little from all the glares I was giving out.

It's easy to get caught up in the crap. It's hard to just roll with the punches. It's difficult to just go with the flow.

BUT ... there is joy in everything ... you just have to find it.

Smiling and greeting people is such an easy way to find love and peace. Most of the time, when you offer your bright smile, you will be greeted with one just as big and bright.

Your smile could change the world. It could be the difference of someone turning his/her own day around.

Try this ... smile at the first person you see tomorrow. If they don't smile back, offer them a friendly greeting. If that doesn't work, wish them a happy day. Continue this process until your bucket is completely filled by others returning the smiles and kind wishes.

When you reach out to others, they will respond.

Tomorrow morning ... I vow to smile at my children instead of scowl at them. I promise to offer them a Wonderful Wednesday with a bright and cheerful attitude. There may be moments I fail, but I am certainly going to try.

A little giggle for you to smile about ... an 'it's okay' moment that must be shared ... this morning I had four very tired children. The long weekend definitely got the best of them and the best of me. So, I did what all good mother do (NOT!) and I bribed them. "Hey, today is such a Terrific Tuesday that we get to have a cookie on the way to school if we can make it through our morning without any trouble!"

As my boy was getting shooed out of the car to head to walking club at school (with a half eaten cookie hanging out of his mouth), my comment was slightly pathetic. "Hurry up and shove that cookie in your mouth. Good mom's don't give their kids cookies before school!"

Have a Wonderful Wednesday tomorrow. Remember to smile. Don't let the 'it's okay' moments of life get you down. Realize the power you have in your positivity and don't be afraid to share it! Happy Smiling!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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