Friday, September 13, 2013

Take a Moment

"Love isn't constant happiness and laughs and hugs, it's going through amazing and terrible times and staying together through it all."  -Unknown Author

In the midst of great tragedy, we are reminded how lucky we are. Tragedy, however, is not clearly defined and it's unfair for you or I to determine how great someone's tragedy really is.

Stress that is significant and real in your world, is still stress. It's still hard for you.

When life isn't too overwhelming for you to handle, give to someone else. Care for someone else. Listen to someone else. Be there and take a moment for someone else.

After hearing about the terrible flooding in Colorado, I checked in with an old friend. It felt so good to reconnect and yet, so difficult to not be able to help. Why did it take a great tragedy for me to check in? It's wonderful that I did, but an excellent reminder that it shouldn't take an awful event for me to take a moment to reach out and care.

A quick text, a meaningful conversation, a knowing smile, a friendly greeting, a silent prayer ... it doesn't take much, but small actions can make such a great difference.

Last night I called my husband on the way home from a work event. My attitude shifted quickly when I found out that he did not shower our children (now, mind you, they were due for showers the night before that, but alas ... I was too lazy to enforce them ... that's not the point...focus on the husband here)! I fumed for a moment and then did what all good women do- I called a friend to vent.

Our two-minute conversation assured me that my husband is not the only one who doesn't always pay attention to shower night and that showers would have been missed in her house as well had she not instructed the showering been done. After a few laughs and a comparison of who's kids were the dirtiest- my heart and mind were in the right place to walk in the door to my hubby! Her listening ear and two minutes of care, made a world of difference for me!

Now, sadly, looking back on it all ... I'm reminded that my slight irritation over showers (seriously? showers?) was ridiculous and minor and nothing compared to the REAL issues in the world today. I share this story, though, because my friend didn't judge me or tell me how ridiculous I was being ... she just cared!

Your actions don't have to be grand. The slightest care you can show can be monumental to others.

Take time for someone today. Say a quick prayer for those enduring tragedy in their lives. Laugh with a friend. Don't wait for a horrific event to reach out. You'll find when you take time to care, it will come back to you when you need it most! 

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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