Saturday, September 7, 2013

Silver Lining

"The best and most beautiful things cannot be seen or even heard, they must be felt by the heart."
                                         -Helen Keller

Our hearts are so strange, yet so wonderful. Full of love and compassion ... yet sometimes overshadowed by our negative thoughts and emotions.

Silver linings allow our hearts to give completely- to let the rainbows shine bright after a terrible storm. For, without the storm, the rainbow would never have appeared.

Yesterday in Target, I was reminded of the importance of silver linings. I was taken back and realized the true reality of the 'small potatoes' I deal with in my life right now.

As my daughter had eaten half a bag of un-purchased goldfish, I ran into a friend who is dealing with one of life's cruelest struggles. Her optimism and ability to see the silver lining was such an inspiration to me. I feel guilty even writing this, knowing how much I take for granted in my life right now.

Why does it take such hardships to remember the blessings surrounding us? So what if my house is dirty ... if I have a permanent marker stain that will never come off my floor ... that I have a fresh ketchup catastrophe on the carpet due to the latest mini-food fight ... that our deck is two years over-do for a staining ... that our lawn will never have landscaping anyone writes home about ... that I have a table full of pictures in the basement taking up nearly our whole storm shelter. These things are 'small potatoes'!

That permanent marker stain on my kitchen floor will remind me in ten years how much I miss the youth of my children. That mini-food fight is nothing compared to what it could have been! Our deck will still be standing next year when we actually might get to staining it. Our landscaping is impressive for the lack of green thumb I was blessed with (now this isn't saying much, but still). And ... we haven't needed to use our storm shelter yet this year, so the table full of pictures hasn't been an issue.

Any negative thought can be turned around - IF WE TURN IT! Life will continue to move at a pace that is difficult to keep up with. The nuances that are here today, will still be here tomorrow. The 'things' that consume our life will someday be lost or forgotten.

It's the relationships that matter the most. It's the love and compassion coming from our heart to others that will never be lost or forgotten. It's the people that make an imprint on us ... we cannot take them for granted. We must stop, for just a second, and be grateful for our loved ones.

I know that I will forget to count my blessings- maybe as early as tomorrow. But, for today, I'm grateful for the people in my life that matter so much to me.

Here's to you this gloriously hot football Saturday. I'm wishing you well in your life struggles, whatever they may be. I'm hopeful that you have love and compassion coming from the hearts of those surrounding you. If you've forgotten to be grateful like me, it's okay. It's not too late.

Take a moment and just love:)

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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