Monday, June 30, 2014

#summergratitude: Sometimes a Little Bit of Nothing . . .

Sometimes a little bit of nothing . . . Is a LOT of something.

The Unveiled Wife

Mondays used to be #marriagemonday before the #summergratitude series started. I have to admit I've missed the chance to brag and bitch about my better half. So here goes a little bit of both- marriage and gratitude.

It's important in marriage not to get stuck in monotony. You must fight to keep the marriage flourishing and alive. This, my friends, is much easier said than done.

Last week my hubby and I must have been tired or just unwilling to participate in lively living. We had a five night streak of movies. Yep, for four straight nights the RedBox got to eat our $1.28. Then, on night five, we opted for a free check-out from the library.

We sat every night for a whole week not talking or working or completing any of the necessary life tasks that should happen after our children hit the sack.

Let me tell you, it was amazing.

We didn't have meaningful conversation. We didn't sit and hold hands or snuggle. We just sat. While we weren't 'together', we really were. We were doing just what we both needed to do.

Isn't that what marriage is all about? Being on the same page?

However, this doesn't always happen. Sometimes we aren't both in the same place or feeling the same way. That's okay, too.

The idea of marriage is that we take our spouse right where they are at, and love them. Sometimes that love is hugs and kisses. Sometimes it's conversation and listening. Sometimes it's just being in the same room, quiet, but together.

I must admit, though, that sometimes marriage is also squabbles and jabs and mean mugs. That's part of it, too. We can't think that marriage is all bliss. But, we must cherish the moments that feel right and remind us of why we are in this long haul together.

This Monday, take time to feel gratitude for your spouse. After you feel it and figure out what you are thankful for, make sure to tell them and show them. It's the little things that matter most and that will make a lifetime of big love!

Nothing CAN be something
Notice the gifts loved ones share
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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Thursday, June 26, 2014

#summergratitude: Smile More :)

 "Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :)
and remember, 'It's Okay'!"
-It's Okay Books
There are many times in the two last years, months, weeks and even days that I have realized . . . I'm not practicing what I preach. I'm forgetting to enjoy every moment of this journey; I haven't loved completely; I'm not smiling enough; and I'm certainly beating myself up over mistakes.
These simple principles that make up the 'It's Okay' philosophy aren't that difficult to live by. OR- are they?
I do love my life. I have everything I could have ever hoped for. I'm surrounded by children, family and a loving husband. I have friends galore. We are healthy. It's summer.
But, I have to admit that sometimes I'm still lonely amidst all the chaos. I get sad when things don't seem to be going my way. I feel angry when things are out of my control. I have moments of insecurity, inadequacy and guilt.
How can this be possible?
Well, I suppose I am human. And I have normal emotions just like everyone else.
I think lately I've gotten caught up in the, "They look so happy . . ." envy. Looking around I've been making a lot of assumptions instead of remembering the very base of where this 'it's okay' journey started. I've forgotten that we all have good days, but we all have bad days, too.
I am happy. The only question for myself is, "Why don't I act like it more?"
The week is almost done, but I still have a few days left to smile. And, I plan to smile as much as I can.  
I vow to laugh at the next juicy fart that squeezes its way out at dinner.
I promise to smile when my kids are running a muck; acting like kids are supposed to.
I plan to not flinch or scowl at my husband the next time he grabs my ass in front of the kids.
I look forward to reaching out to friends in moments that I'm feeling lonely.
And . . . I WILL play more! This week I've already been in the pool (and underwater - even going off the diving board) one time, but I'll make it more. No more side-line viewing. It's time to take this marvelous life and journey I've been blessed with by the reigns and enjoy the heck out of it.
Do you need to smile more, too?
Gratitude is the key to happiness. We must not just notice the good things surrounding us, but we must take time to appreciate them. Smiling is a simple gesture to show we care; to show we are enjoying the journey of life that is ours.
Smile more!
Show appreciation with a beautiful curve in your mouth
Don't waste life with a frown
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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Monday, June 23, 2014

#summergratitude: Notice Growth!

I Am Not Perfect
Where does the time go?

Time flies when you're having fun!

Blink and it will be gone.

There are so many sayings that indicate how quickly a life will pass before your eyes. Sometimes the truth in all the statements sneaks up on you when you least expect it.

I remember as a young child how LONG it took for Christmas or a special birthday to come. I always wanted time to go faster and I was always waiting for the next big thing . . . middle school, high school, a car, a trip, college, my first job, marriage, a kid . . .

Woe, woe, woe. Slow down there tiger. Once that list is done- life seems to go by in truly a blink of an eye. Whoosh. It's gone.

All of a sudden your metabolism slows way down, your hair starts to turn gray, you find comfort in being home on a Friday night and little people you once knew as kids are now grown adults.

Now I know that I'm not THAT old, but I'm at that point where I've realized that a year is nothing. Planning for the future has taken on a whole new meaning. It feels like there will never be time to get life done.

The statement, "When ____________ happens, then I will be able to _____________," has become a joke. Something else will always come up. There will always be more to do!

It's okay. It's time to embrace the growth that has happened and appreciate where we are today. Let's stop fretting about the future; always looking for the next best thing to happen.

Today is the day to look back with appreciation. The past is behind us- some of it is pretty ugly. BUT, it's what got us to where we are today. And, surely, we have made amazing amounts of growth in the last 10, 20 or 50 years.

Where ever you fall on the age spectrum, it's time to be proud of who you are today. Without the failures from the past, we wouldn't be able to make the accomplishments we do today.

Take time to think about where you've come from and where you are currently. Notice growth. Know that if things aren't wonderful today, change is right around the corner with endless possibilities.

  Notice growth You're who you are today cuz of past milestones accomplished Look forward
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

#summergratitude: Today's A New Day!

Brand new, fresh start day. Take each moment as it comes. Remember . . . live, laugh and certainly, love!

Sunday night as we headed home from a father's day celebration (minus my fishing hubby), my #3 exclaimed, "Tomorrow is a new day. We can all start over- EVEN MOM."

There you have it. My six-year-old used my own saying on me. Darn kids. Smarter than we want them to be.

It's important to remember that today is a NEW day. It's a fresh start; a brand new chance to live gratefully.

Jon Gordon is a fabulous author that taps into the idea of positivity. I get his weekly newsletters and Monday's advice was a perfect fit for what I needed to be reminded of, 14 Simple Strategies to Be More Positive.

His #1 . . . Practice Gratitude. "You can't be stressed and thankful at the same time. Gratitude is like muscle, the more you exercise it the stronger it gets. Take 10 minutes each day and make a list of what you are thankful for. You will fill your body and brain with countless and priceless anti-depressants."

When my irritation for life sets in, I forget to notice and appreciate the wonders that are surrounding me. It's truly all about how we tackle nuances and struggles that come our way.

My sophomore year of college my car got stolen from a gas station. Now, I'll leave out the part of my small-town mentality that leaves the keys in the ignition. Regardless, when I walked out after paying, it was gone; along with everything that had occupied my entire dorm room.

I vaguely remember thinking that maybe someone needed the car or my stuff more than I did. WHAT????? What was wrong with me?

I suppose I've always been a sucker for positive and grateful thinking. It certainly doesn't mean I practice it all the time; there are days I wish I could go back to my younger years and truly believing that life is a magical place filled with endless amounts of good.

Life will be as good as I make! God put me on this earth to appreciate creation- people and all. That challenges me to live each day well, laugh as much as possible and love endlessly. Quite a challenge, but like Jon Gordon stated- I just need to keep exercising my grateful muscles.

Before you turn out the light tonight- ask yourself, "Did I live well, laugh often and love much today?" If not, remember 'it's okay'! Tomorrow is a brand new, fresh start day.

Today's a new day! Yah.
Tackle it with as much life, laughs & love that you can muster.
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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Friday, June 13, 2014

#summergratitude: Appreciate Anticipation

What are you looking forward to?

What exciting things are in your future?

What wishes do you have for the next few months?

What goals have you set for yourself?

Today we are going to take a moment to appreciate the anticipation of good things to come. Where ever you are at in life right now, it's important to think about what the future holds.

We can't dwell on tomorrow; but sometimes it helps us get through today.

Ruts. Funks. Hard times.

These things are real for all of us. We all get down. We all struggle.

Today is a new day. Who knows what tomorrow holds? Make it great!

Set up a lunch date with an old friend. Schedule a weekend get-a-way. Design your very own staycation. Surprise your spouse with newfound intimacy. Workout. Eat right. Take some vitamins. Read a book. Watch a good movie. Go out for ice cream.

Sometimes the anticipation of what's to come will turn your day right around.

Take time today to look into your future (maybe even your near future, like tonight). Plan something exciting for yourself or your family. Be willing to take a risk or try something new. The anticipation of it coming will bring feelings of joy. Ride those joyful moments and appreciate the heck out of them.

Take time to get excited about future opportunities
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

#summergratitude: Expect Good . . .

And Good Will Follow!

If you expect the worse, that will likely follow, too.

The good news . . . it's all up to YOU!

There are moments I find myself going down the negative toilet. Around and around and around with no good in sight. It's an awful spiral that no one can plunge me out of.

Twice in the last few days I've joined my six-year-old on the trampoline. I've actually left the kitchen dishes or the laundry or, or, or. I choose the good (write it down!).

Too many times, though, I don't.

I came in the other night to my husband cleaning up my enormous dinner dish explosion. "I'm sorry, honey. I didn't mean for you to do those, I can do them later."

He smiled. "It's okay. You need to play more."

I DO need to play more. I DO need to look for the good (in myself and in others). I DO need believe that it's okay to let things go.

I get so caught up in daily life tasks that I forget to 'Love the Moments'! Last week at our first swim meet for our two oldest kids, my irritation level was out of control. I just wanted to sit and watch. I didn't want to deal with my other children.

Well, guess what? I chose to have these little people & little people is what they are. They are going to act like kids and NOT little adults. I wasn't loving the moment (or even liking it) because my expectations were not realistic. The only person who ruined the night, was ME.

Happy hump day, today. Work hard to expect good. Good things will happen, if we take time to notice them. Try not to let the irritations of life ruin opportunities for #summergratitude! Be realistic in your expectations. When you mess up, remember 'it's okay' and fresh starts are what life is all about.

Live the good life today. Smile lots. See the special things and people surrounding you.

Take time to notice lifes little treasures & of imperfections
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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Monday, June 9, 2014

#summergratitude: Love the Moment

Sunday morning as I grabbed a coffee cup to enjoy a freshly brewed cup of coffee, I was reminded of a dear friend and my #summergratitude challenge.

When I had my #4 just over three years ago, this coffee cup was given to me. My girlfriend happened to be in town and got to spend many hours with me in the hospital. Words cannot describe what that time meant to me or what seeing that cup Sunday morning did to brighten my spirits.

As I stared at my cup before filling it with coffee, I laughed to myself that this object was so much more than a 'cup'. The saying 'love the moment' is critical as we take on life's obstacles.

Now, I am not going to lie and tell you that Sunday was a PERFECT day, but I am being honest when I say it was darn close. I'll leave out the whining, adult temper tantrum and request that I made, "Just take me home, I don't want to listen to this all day!"

If I leave out those inconvenient details (and they didn't consume the whole day), I'm am left with only feelings of joy and truly 'loving my moments'!

The day was started with a little cleaning and laundry, followed up with a quick trip to the lake. Nothing beats a morning boat ride in the beautiful weather we had Sunday. It was almost chilly; just the way I like it. My oldest daughter declared the picture below was the 'ultimate selfie'!

 Who knew you could fit six people in a selfie?

After our boat ride we headed out to lunch to celebrate my hubby's upcoming birthday. The boy is going to be the BIG ... 4 ... 0! Yep, and Buffalo Wild Wings even turned the flashing lights on for the young man!

The cars were cleaned, dinner was grilled and soccer practice was attended by all.

We made it the WHOLE day together- and we didn't kill one another.

Our Sunday family day had moments of glory; pockets of time when we were all loving the moment.

It's okay that the day wasn't perfect. It's okay that there were squabbles, irritations and minutes where we each wanted to pull someone's hair out. We didn't- so overall . . . it was a huge win.

It all started with a darn coffee cup! Talk about #summergratitude at it's finest. Take a moment today to look around your house. Find the objects that mean the most to you. Why do they mean so much? Is it the person that gave it to you? Does a saying, song or picture bring back a splendid memory?

We must utilize the 'things' in our lives to appreciate the people surrounding us.

Love the Moment!

Just do it. Try hard. When you fail (and you will- just like me), pull up yourself up by your boot straps and try again. We can create positive habits by forcing ourselves to love as many moments as we can. Forget all the rest (the not-so-loving moments), let them go and move on.

Things are just things .
Use the 'things' in your life to w/ the people you hold dear.
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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Friday, June 6, 2014

#summergratitude: Nothing Beats Old Friends!

This morning . . . summer feels like it is really here.
Suits and towels have overtaken our living room and deck. My hair frizz is uncontrollable from the humidity. The dog is camped out in the sun! The lawn needs mowed every three days.
And- sand volleyball is now in session.
Last night I was reminded how wonderful old friends are. The old saying found on is extremely fitting for the #summergratitude I am feeling this morning. 'Good friends are like stars. You don't always see them, but you know they're always there.'
Now, I'll be honest, our team looks a little different than it did 11 years ago. When I say 'old friend', I'm talking about the friendship, but I suppose a little about us as people as well. The army of ten kids lining the back of the volleyball court was probably enough to give the entire place a good chuckle. So what if we are a little slower, can't jump quite as high . . . we're still out there; together. And having a darn good time.

You definitely know when you've got a good old fashioned 'friendship'! There's no judgment or drama or wasted negativity. It's easy, refreshing and always fun.
What old friendship have you been missing? You might not even realize how much you miss people, until you take time to see them.
Life is so crazy sometimes. We have schedule time with people; pencil them in. It's hard to make sure we are making time for the special people in our lives. Take time today.
Send a text. Write an e-mail. Make a call. Reach out and you won't be disappointed. Even if there is no response, your effort will not go unnoticed.
Yesterday I skipped my #summergratitude. I had actually started a blog entitled, 'Chill Out'. You can maybe imagine that this crabby mom needed to take a chill pill and focus more on blessings than irritations.
Well, today is the day. I'm feeling grateful. It's okay that I was frazzled and frustrated yesterday. Today is a new day. My goal for this Fabulous Friday is to carry my #summergratitude all through the weekend. Will you join me in this task?
Relax. Breathe. Chill out. Enjoy!
Nothing beats an old friend!
Waste no time to tell a friend
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

#summergratitude: Respect Nature

Nature Quotes
The #summergratitude series is in full force! How have you been doing?

So far, we are fighting to Keep Perspective and Practice Kindness. I'd say I'm 50/50 for actually following through :)

Last night my husband laughed as I was crabbing at the children over dinner, "You know there's this blog about appreciating your summer . . . you should read it!"

Okay. Point taken.

Today is an 'after the storm' morning. Winds, rain, thunder, lightening . . . quite the beast blew through our area. Thoughts and prayers go out to those who were not spared damage. It's unbelievable to me how frightening and breath-taking nature can be- all in the same moment.

I found the wonderful picture above, along with 24 other magnificent Nature Quotes (click on the link to read more). Mother Nature does her own thing, without input from the rest of us. We must respect the beauty that is surrounding us; as well as the powerful force that is out of our control.

Every time my kids see a yellow dandelion they exclaim, "Look at the beautiful yellow flower." I've gotten too many dandelion bouquets to count. And the dandelion seeds . . . oh boy, do they have a magnificent time making wishes. Of course, I usually spoil their fun by letting my 'weed spreading' irritation overcome me.

Why? Why not just enjoy the moment nature creates? Now, I know last night nature got the best of our area, but even today there is beauty around every corner.

Trees. Flowers. Clouds. Sun. Rainbows.

Today the birds are chirping loudly. The temperature is just right. The slight breeze is cool and calm. And, I'm reminding to respect the vast power of nature (the good, the bad & the ugly).

Take a moment today to just be still. Look around. There are millions of pieces of nature to be thankful for. It's beyond our comprehension how God created this magnificent world. Let's remember to Respect Nature.

Respect Nature!
Beauty is all around us

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

#summergratitude: Practice Kindness

Day 2 of the #summergratitude series: Practice Kindness!

While we should work to practice kindness with our friends, acquaintances and random people on the street- we should work harder to practice kindness with those we love most.

Yep! I'm talking about our very own families.

What's that saying? 'You always hurt the ones you love.' WHY???????

Why is it that it is HARDEST to practice kindness with our very own flesh and blood?

Maybe this isn't hard for all of you. Maybe you are able to show care and concern for the family members in your life. Maybe your irritation and frustration can be held inside when dealing with the people you spend most time with.

Well, this is not the case for me.

As we embark on the #summergratitude series, I want to challenge myself to Practice Kindness in my own home. And, hopefully, some of you might need to do this too.

We implemented a 'Kindness Counts' bucket at our house. Some might say I am bribing my children, but I look at it as trying to develop positive habits. Either way, my hope is that some good old fashioned niceness will take over our house.

Orange Leaf is one of our favorite treats, but a very expensive outing for a family of six. The $20 it usually takes for us to enjoy this yogurt treat was put into quarters. Each time one of us gets 'caught' being kind, we get to put a quarter in the bucket. When the bucket is full . . . Orange Leaf, here we come!

I realized the other day that the very tone of my children that frustrates me the most- is the same tone I am typically using with them. Geez. No wonder we need to Practice Kindness.

Good luck today Keeping Perspective and Practicing Kindness. If we are able to look at the big picture and appreciate the blessings around us, as well as being kind and loving to those we care for most . . . what a great summer it will be.

Today I will focus on ME! Today I will work to change MY behavior. Today I will Practice Kindness. After all, the only person I can truly control- is ME!

Practice Kindness!
Be kind to those you love the most
If you need a boost- focus on to others.
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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Monday, June 2, 2014

#summergratitude: Keeping Perspective!

"The grass is always greener where you choose to water it."
-Author Unknown
Welcome to the #summergratitude series for It's Okay Books! Each day we will challenge each other to appreciate the many blessings found all around us. Some days will be easier than others- but, rest assured, more good will find us if we keep our focus on the right things.
Today we will fight to Keep Perspective!
Last week as I was stressing about cleaning for a work party we were hosting at our house, my dear husband brought me back to reality. It was my first true day of summer vacation (the joys of working in education!) and all I could do was complain.
I was focused on having to balance keeping our four children busy and engaged while cleaning our entire house and making the necessary food for Friday night. My sour mood, dirty looks, awful huffs and mean words didn't settle well with him.
As he packed up to head off for work, his comment stung a little, but forced me to Keep Perspective.
"It's your first day of summer vacation with our kids. I'd give anything to be able to hang out everyday and play- instead, I'm heading off to work and you're here unable to appreciate your time with them."
He wasn't mean or obnoxious; he was honest.
I was letting the 'tasks' of life get in the way of my opportunity to foster relationships with my children. I was spoiling the precious time I had been given to enjoy the blessings surrounding me. How many people out there wish for time at home- and I was complaining.
Today, when you start wishing for different circumstances or when you are stressing over the monotony of life. Try to stop!
Remember, our grass will only be as green as we allow it to become. We must water it, prune it, care for it and appreciate it. If we can do that, it will be as green as green can be.
Fight to Keep Perspective. There will always be people who are struggling or suffering that wish for the very thing we are complaining about or taking for granted. Don't forget to notice the joys all around you.
A quote from:
It's Okay: Let's Get Real About This Thing We Call Parenting; Points to Ponder Section, The Grass Will Always Be Greener on the Other Side (
"If you take time to foster your own self, your own family and your own needs—your grass will start to perk up and look a little more like your neighbors.  It may not be perfect, but chances are, if you look closely at your neighbor’s lawn, it has just as many flaws as yours; those flaws will just be different.  Take time to appreciate who you are, what you have and the life that you have been blessed with."
Keep Perspective!
Life tasks shouldn't get in the way of enjoying people.
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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