Tuesday, June 17, 2014

#summergratitude: Today's A New Day!

Brand new, fresh start day. Take each moment as it comes. Remember . . . live, laugh and certainly, love!

Sunday night as we headed home from a father's day celebration (minus my fishing hubby), my #3 exclaimed, "Tomorrow is a new day. We can all start over- EVEN MOM."

There you have it. My six-year-old used my own saying on me. Darn kids. Smarter than we want them to be.

It's important to remember that today is a NEW day. It's a fresh start; a brand new chance to live gratefully.

Jon Gordon is a fabulous author that taps into the idea of positivity. I get his weekly newsletters and Monday's advice was a perfect fit for what I needed to be reminded of, 14 Simple Strategies to Be More Positive.

His #1 . . . Practice Gratitude. "You can't be stressed and thankful at the same time. Gratitude is like muscle, the more you exercise it the stronger it gets. Take 10 minutes each day and make a list of what you are thankful for. You will fill your body and brain with countless and priceless anti-depressants."

When my irritation for life sets in, I forget to notice and appreciate the wonders that are surrounding me. It's truly all about how we tackle nuances and struggles that come our way.

My sophomore year of college my car got stolen from a gas station. Now, I'll leave out the part of my small-town mentality that leaves the keys in the ignition. Regardless, when I walked out after paying, it was gone; along with everything that had occupied my entire dorm room.

I vaguely remember thinking that maybe someone needed the car or my stuff more than I did. WHAT????? What was wrong with me?

I suppose I've always been a sucker for positive and grateful thinking. It certainly doesn't mean I practice it all the time; there are days I wish I could go back to my younger years and truly believing that life is a magical place filled with endless amounts of good.

Life will be as good as I make! God put me on this earth to appreciate creation- people and all. That challenges me to live each day well, laugh as much as possible and love endlessly. Quite a challenge, but like Jon Gordon stated- I just need to keep exercising my grateful muscles.

Before you turn out the light tonight- ask yourself, "Did I live well, laugh often and love much today?" If not, remember 'it's okay'! Tomorrow is a brand new, fresh start day.

Today's a new day! Yah.
Tackle it with as much life, laughs & love that you can muster.
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
Visit www.itsokaybooks.com to learn more!
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