Wednesday, June 11, 2014

#summergratitude: Expect Good . . .

And Good Will Follow!

If you expect the worse, that will likely follow, too.

The good news . . . it's all up to YOU!

There are moments I find myself going down the negative toilet. Around and around and around with no good in sight. It's an awful spiral that no one can plunge me out of.

Twice in the last few days I've joined my six-year-old on the trampoline. I've actually left the kitchen dishes or the laundry or, or, or. I choose the good (write it down!).

Too many times, though, I don't.

I came in the other night to my husband cleaning up my enormous dinner dish explosion. "I'm sorry, honey. I didn't mean for you to do those, I can do them later."

He smiled. "It's okay. You need to play more."

I DO need to play more. I DO need to look for the good (in myself and in others). I DO need believe that it's okay to let things go.

I get so caught up in daily life tasks that I forget to 'Love the Moments'! Last week at our first swim meet for our two oldest kids, my irritation level was out of control. I just wanted to sit and watch. I didn't want to deal with my other children.

Well, guess what? I chose to have these little people & little people is what they are. They are going to act like kids and NOT little adults. I wasn't loving the moment (or even liking it) because my expectations were not realistic. The only person who ruined the night, was ME.

Happy hump day, today. Work hard to expect good. Good things will happen, if we take time to notice them. Try not to let the irritations of life ruin opportunities for #summergratitude! Be realistic in your expectations. When you mess up, remember 'it's okay' and fresh starts are what life is all about.

Live the good life today. Smile lots. See the special things and people surrounding you.

Take time to notice lifes little treasures & of imperfections
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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