Monday, June 9, 2014

#summergratitude: Love the Moment

Sunday morning as I grabbed a coffee cup to enjoy a freshly brewed cup of coffee, I was reminded of a dear friend and my #summergratitude challenge.

When I had my #4 just over three years ago, this coffee cup was given to me. My girlfriend happened to be in town and got to spend many hours with me in the hospital. Words cannot describe what that time meant to me or what seeing that cup Sunday morning did to brighten my spirits.

As I stared at my cup before filling it with coffee, I laughed to myself that this object was so much more than a 'cup'. The saying 'love the moment' is critical as we take on life's obstacles.

Now, I am not going to lie and tell you that Sunday was a PERFECT day, but I am being honest when I say it was darn close. I'll leave out the whining, adult temper tantrum and request that I made, "Just take me home, I don't want to listen to this all day!"

If I leave out those inconvenient details (and they didn't consume the whole day), I'm am left with only feelings of joy and truly 'loving my moments'!

The day was started with a little cleaning and laundry, followed up with a quick trip to the lake. Nothing beats a morning boat ride in the beautiful weather we had Sunday. It was almost chilly; just the way I like it. My oldest daughter declared the picture below was the 'ultimate selfie'!

 Who knew you could fit six people in a selfie?

After our boat ride we headed out to lunch to celebrate my hubby's upcoming birthday. The boy is going to be the BIG ... 4 ... 0! Yep, and Buffalo Wild Wings even turned the flashing lights on for the young man!

The cars were cleaned, dinner was grilled and soccer practice was attended by all.

We made it the WHOLE day together- and we didn't kill one another.

Our Sunday family day had moments of glory; pockets of time when we were all loving the moment.

It's okay that the day wasn't perfect. It's okay that there were squabbles, irritations and minutes where we each wanted to pull someone's hair out. We didn't- so overall . . . it was a huge win.

It all started with a darn coffee cup! Talk about #summergratitude at it's finest. Take a moment today to look around your house. Find the objects that mean the most to you. Why do they mean so much? Is it the person that gave it to you? Does a saying, song or picture bring back a splendid memory?

We must utilize the 'things' in our lives to appreciate the people surrounding us.

Love the Moment!

Just do it. Try hard. When you fail (and you will- just like me), pull up yourself up by your boot straps and try again. We can create positive habits by forcing ourselves to love as many moments as we can. Forget all the rest (the not-so-loving moments), let them go and move on.

Things are just things .
Use the 'things' in your life to w/ the people you hold dear.
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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