Monday, June 2, 2014

#summergratitude: Keeping Perspective!

"The grass is always greener where you choose to water it."
-Author Unknown
Welcome to the #summergratitude series for It's Okay Books! Each day we will challenge each other to appreciate the many blessings found all around us. Some days will be easier than others- but, rest assured, more good will find us if we keep our focus on the right things.
Today we will fight to Keep Perspective!
Last week as I was stressing about cleaning for a work party we were hosting at our house, my dear husband brought me back to reality. It was my first true day of summer vacation (the joys of working in education!) and all I could do was complain.
I was focused on having to balance keeping our four children busy and engaged while cleaning our entire house and making the necessary food for Friday night. My sour mood, dirty looks, awful huffs and mean words didn't settle well with him.
As he packed up to head off for work, his comment stung a little, but forced me to Keep Perspective.
"It's your first day of summer vacation with our kids. I'd give anything to be able to hang out everyday and play- instead, I'm heading off to work and you're here unable to appreciate your time with them."
He wasn't mean or obnoxious; he was honest.
I was letting the 'tasks' of life get in the way of my opportunity to foster relationships with my children. I was spoiling the precious time I had been given to enjoy the blessings surrounding me. How many people out there wish for time at home- and I was complaining.
Today, when you start wishing for different circumstances or when you are stressing over the monotony of life. Try to stop!
Remember, our grass will only be as green as we allow it to become. We must water it, prune it, care for it and appreciate it. If we can do that, it will be as green as green can be.
Fight to Keep Perspective. There will always be people who are struggling or suffering that wish for the very thing we are complaining about or taking for granted. Don't forget to notice the joys all around you.
A quote from:
It's Okay: Let's Get Real About This Thing We Call Parenting; Points to Ponder Section, The Grass Will Always Be Greener on the Other Side (
"If you take time to foster your own self, your own family and your own needs—your grass will start to perk up and look a little more like your neighbors.  It may not be perfect, but chances are, if you look closely at your neighbor’s lawn, it has just as many flaws as yours; those flaws will just be different.  Take time to appreciate who you are, what you have and the life that you have been blessed with."
Keep Perspective!
Life tasks shouldn't get in the way of enjoying people.
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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