Tuesday, June 3, 2014

#summergratitude: Practice Kindness

Day 2 of the #summergratitude series: Practice Kindness!

While we should work to practice kindness with our friends, acquaintances and random people on the street- we should work harder to practice kindness with those we love most.

Yep! I'm talking about our very own families.

What's that saying? 'You always hurt the ones you love.' WHY???????

Why is it that it is HARDEST to practice kindness with our very own flesh and blood?

Maybe this isn't hard for all of you. Maybe you are able to show care and concern for the family members in your life. Maybe your irritation and frustration can be held inside when dealing with the people you spend most time with.

Well, this is not the case for me.

As we embark on the #summergratitude series, I want to challenge myself to Practice Kindness in my own home. And, hopefully, some of you might need to do this too.

We implemented a 'Kindness Counts' bucket at our house. Some might say I am bribing my children, but I look at it as trying to develop positive habits. Either way, my hope is that some good old fashioned niceness will take over our house.

Orange Leaf is one of our favorite treats, but a very expensive outing for a family of six. The $20 it usually takes for us to enjoy this yogurt treat was put into quarters. Each time one of us gets 'caught' being kind, we get to put a quarter in the bucket. When the bucket is full . . . Orange Leaf, here we come!

I realized the other day that the very tone of my children that frustrates me the most- is the same tone I am typically using with them. Geez. No wonder we need to Practice Kindness.

Good luck today Keeping Perspective and Practicing Kindness. If we are able to look at the big picture and appreciate the blessings around us, as well as being kind and loving to those we care for most . . . what a great summer it will be.

Today I will focus on ME! Today I will work to change MY behavior. Today I will Practice Kindness. After all, the only person I can truly control- is ME!

Practice Kindness!
Be kind to those you love the most
If you need a boost- focus on to others.
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
Visit www.itsokaybooks.com to learn more!
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