Thursday, June 26, 2014

#summergratitude: Smile More :)

 "Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :)
and remember, 'It's Okay'!"
-It's Okay Books
There are many times in the two last years, months, weeks and even days that I have realized . . . I'm not practicing what I preach. I'm forgetting to enjoy every moment of this journey; I haven't loved completely; I'm not smiling enough; and I'm certainly beating myself up over mistakes.
These simple principles that make up the 'It's Okay' philosophy aren't that difficult to live by. OR- are they?
I do love my life. I have everything I could have ever hoped for. I'm surrounded by children, family and a loving husband. I have friends galore. We are healthy. It's summer.
But, I have to admit that sometimes I'm still lonely amidst all the chaos. I get sad when things don't seem to be going my way. I feel angry when things are out of my control. I have moments of insecurity, inadequacy and guilt.
How can this be possible?
Well, I suppose I am human. And I have normal emotions just like everyone else.
I think lately I've gotten caught up in the, "They look so happy . . ." envy. Looking around I've been making a lot of assumptions instead of remembering the very base of where this 'it's okay' journey started. I've forgotten that we all have good days, but we all have bad days, too.
I am happy. The only question for myself is, "Why don't I act like it more?"
The week is almost done, but I still have a few days left to smile. And, I plan to smile as much as I can.  
I vow to laugh at the next juicy fart that squeezes its way out at dinner.
I promise to smile when my kids are running a muck; acting like kids are supposed to.
I plan to not flinch or scowl at my husband the next time he grabs my ass in front of the kids.
I look forward to reaching out to friends in moments that I'm feeling lonely.
And . . . I WILL play more! This week I've already been in the pool (and underwater - even going off the diving board) one time, but I'll make it more. No more side-line viewing. It's time to take this marvelous life and journey I've been blessed with by the reigns and enjoy the heck out of it.
Do you need to smile more, too?
Gratitude is the key to happiness. We must not just notice the good things surrounding us, but we must take time to appreciate them. Smiling is a simple gesture to show we care; to show we are enjoying the journey of life that is ours.
Smile more!
Show appreciation with a beautiful curve in your mouth
Don't waste life with a frown
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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