Monday, April 8, 2013

I Do Impact Others!

This will be short and sweet ... it's really just a reminder to myself that I make an incredible impact on my family.  Some days I don't see the joy in the family I am blessed with.  But, for today, I did!  We had an amazing morning.  It went so well, that I started to question what was different about this particular morning.  The only thing I could come up with is ME!

Today was no better than any other day.  We got up late.  I had four tired kids that didn't want to get out of bed.  I had an eight-year-old who forgot to do her homework.  I had a six-year-old who forgot to take his backpack to school.  I had a four-year-old who took too long to get ready and had to eat after the school drop-off.  I had a one-year-old with snot caked in her hair.  Really ... it was normal.  But, every minute of it was calm and enjoyable.  It was this way because of me. 

There are so many mornings that I create my own madness.  Why?  Heck, I don't know.  All the issues that come up everyday are so very minor in the scheme of life.  Why can't I remember that everyday?  Why can't I stay calm and collected so that our days can be full of bliss rather than full of crabbiness (created by the crazy mother)? 

Well, I will tell you why.  I am not perfect.  It's okay that we've had some rough mornings because of me.  It's okay that I'm not always the calm and collected person that I was this morning.  It's okay that I realized today how much my mood affects my family.  I haven't ruined my children.  They just know I am human.  And, after today, I can strive to have more mornings like this one. 

Great days are sometimes rare.  It's okay.  This great morning is one that make me better for the next few mornings.  I will forget about my 'ah ha' today.  I will have a crabby day soon.  But, for now, I'm going to appreciate the fact that we had a great day, and I had something to do with that!

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