Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I'll Never

What have you said you'd never do that you are now doing?  I'm sure if you are willing to admit to them, there would be several.  I'm not just talking about parenting, but about life.  We look around at others and if we are not wishing we had what they had, we are judging them and saying, "I'll never..."!  It's crazy how easy it is to let those two nasty words roll off our tongues.  We have all been guilty of it.  And it's not as if we are saying those words kindly.  Usually we are saying them with disgust.  Rest assured, you are not alone in your words.  We have ALL said, "I'll never" at one point in our lives.  It's okay.

It's okay that we didn't know what curve balls life would throw at us.  It's okay that we didn't realize how difficult some things really are.  It's okay that we may have judged too quickly.  It's okay.  We live and we learn.  Hindsight is always 20/20.  We can all improve and do better.  And the good Lord only knows that we realize we may have thought we were above the things that are now common place in our lives.

If we look into the parenting world for a second, we realize that truly believe we will be the perfect parent (that is ... until we actually become one).  Parents get the brunt of the 'I'll Never' world.  From the time we are wee little tikes, we start saying the things we will never do.  You may have even told your parents a time or two the things that you would NEVER do so that you wouldn't turn out anything like them.  Oh, how many of us would like to eat those words we said to our parents ... we just never knew what it would be like to be in their shoes.

The list of things we said we would never do is probably too long to count.  It's okay.  I'm learning as I go along to whisper my 'I'll never' statements to myself, rather than shout them from roof top like I used to.  I do things now I told my parents I'd never do.  I do things now that my husband and I swore we'd never do before we had kids.  It happens.  It's okay.

The first chapter in my book, It's Okay: Let's Get Real About This Thing We Call Parenting, is titled 'I'll Never'.  It has ten real stories from people who admitted to doing the things they said they'd never do.  It's honest and true.  And, kudos to them for sharing.  It's hard to admit to failing a little.  But, really, in the end, it's okay to do the things we said we'd never do.  Especially if it makes life a little easier to weather in that desperate moment!

My book is now available for purchase on Amazon and the CreateSpace eStore.  You can be linked to either from my website, www.itsokaybooks.com! 

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