Monday, April 1, 2013

The Grass Will Continue To Always Be Greener On The Other Side

Points to Ponder #10- The grass will continue to always be greener on the other side

Isn't it funny how life works?  You look around and you start to say, "If only..."!  If only what?  Your life is your life.  You can't change the 'you' that God created.  You can't completely erase every part of your history that put you where you are today.  When are we going to just be happy with what we have and who we are?  We live in a society that makes you think you need to do it better and have it all (and then post it all on Facebook). 

We never really know what is going on in other people's world.  We never really know if we had what they had if it would make our life any better than what it already is.  We can continue the cycle of wishing we had what others had, or we can stop beating ourselves up and just appreciate what is ours.  If we appreciate what is ours, we have to appreciate it ALL ... the good, the bad and the downright ugly. 

I'm not saying we should give up improving our life.  I'm not saying we should stop trying make our life the best it can be.  What I am saying is that we need to stop wishing for what others have.  We need to stop assuming that everyone else has it better than we do.  At some point we just have to be content with the life that has been given to us. 

The saying, "The grass is always greener on the other side," is only partly true.  Because chances are, if you get into that lawn and really look around, it is going to have just as many flaws and issues as the very lawn you can call your own.  Take time to water your lawn, weed your lawn and give your lawn the love it really needs.  Your grass will perk up.  Your weeds won't seem as overwhelming.  And you might just be content to stay with the grass you have rather than trying to take over your neighbor's! 

Love yourself- all of yourself.  Even your issues exist for a reason.  Take them in stride.  Do the best you can.  Be the best you can be.  And STOP comparing your life to others.  You were blessed with your life for a reason.  Take time to figure out what that reason was and foster the heck out it!  It will perk up:)

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