Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Change Is Hard On Everyone

There is one thing you can count on in life and that is that nothing ever stays the same.  People grow, communities change, goals shift and season after season no weather pattern is consistent.  Just when you have a good life sync, something happens; something changes.  That is totally life.  And some times, it totally stinks.

Changes sometimes create amazing opportunities or new chances.  But, even with the wonder and marvel of grand new things, the change that occurs creates stress on everyone involved.  Some people are blessed with a strength for being flexible and adaptable.  This isn't the case for most of the human population; including me!

Summer is upon us.  School is out!  The pool is open.  Life is wonderful ... right?  Well, all this change is excellent, but it is also hard to deal with.  Routines are no longer consistent, bed time is no longer dark, mornings are lazy.  Again, this can be wonderful, but it can also be a challenge that kids and parents aren't quite ready for.

Why is that when we are crazy busy, all we want is some down time.  Then, as soon as the down time hits, we want to busy again?  Why is there no happy-medium?  We will be sick and tired of rushing and always entertaining people and then as soon as there is a free day or a free evening, we feel all alone.  Human emotions are so strange.

Whatever change you may be dealing with, I can only imagine that it is at least a tiny bit stressful.  I'm going to encourage you (well, okay, I'm going to encourage myself) to take it all in stride.  Try to find some things that remain consistent.  Try not to let the moments of shifted routines or down time overwhelm you.  Find a new hobby or a healthy habit.  Remind yourself that 'it's okay' moments will happen more often in the face of change.  These moments may leave you doubting yourself or the opportunities small changes can create.  Take on each day with as much force as you can muster.  

I got some looks today as I forced our four children out the door.  First looks came at the bank.  Each of my four children got to 'cash in' their change and dollars for bigger bills.  We are heading to MN for a wedding and they are excited to spend some money at the Mall of America.  While it's wonderful they had this opportunity, the five people in line behind us did not welcome the time it takes to cash out four small children.  We then headed to the YMCA.  This went off without a hitch; my kids to daycare and me to a workout class.  Unfortunately the hitch broke when I couldn't find my keys as we were trying to leave.  I walked with my two-year-old through a yoga class, only to unsuccessfully not find my lost keys.  The silver lining ... I had a spare.

Then to Wal-Mart.  Need I say more?  Plus we got stuck in line behind some cashier trouble and me and my four squirrely monkeys waited our turn as patiently as we could.  But, we made it.  Looks and all, we made it!  Home for lunch and nap and a plan to hit the pool later.

It's only 1:34 pm and I'm already exhausted.  Summer is here.  It will be amazing.  We will just all have to work together to find a routine that helps us all sync with summer (and with each other).  I've reminded my kids several times today that we have ALL summer together and today is only our first day.  So ... they should try to be a little nicer to one another.  I'm going to try to take my own advice as well:)

Here's to your day!  Here's to your changes!  Wishing you luck on whatever road you are traveling.  Remember, 'It's Okay' not to enjoy the whole trip.  It's the wonderful memories made along the way that matter.

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay.'

Visit www.itsokaybooks.com to learn more!

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