Thursday, May 23, 2013

Find Your Happy Place!

Last week after receiving a stationary set from a friend, I loved the sayings to much that I have been blogging about them.  The third and final pad of Hallmark stationary featuring Life Is Good quotes could not go unshared ... "Find your happy place."  The other two, "Life is a journey.  Bring comfy shoes." and "The secret to life is enjoying the ride."  Each of these three sayings very much fit the 'It's Okay' philosophy.  We will all continue to struggle through this thing called life.  We will all continue to have moments that are not our finest.  The important thing to remember through difficult times, is that more often than not, things turn out okay.

Life will produce some amazing moments where we stand in awe of the events taking place.  It will also produce moments where we can't comprehend why things are the way they are.  Good times and bad, it's helpful to keep a positive perspective.  It's great to be able to laugh at yourself.  It's critical to find wonderful people to surround yourself with.  It's imperative not to dwell on things that are out of our control.

"Find your happy place."  What is it that gives you comfort?  What in your life brings you peace?  The secret to finding your happy place is to first know yourself inside and out.  Understanding what makes you tick will help you find the things that make you feel as though your days here on earth are successful.

When I was an elementary counselor, one of the strategies I used with my students to manage their emotions was to imagine a place in their mind that relaxed them and made them feel the most happy.  For some it was the comfort of their bedroom, for others it was high up in a tree house.  Many liked to picture the beach or playing a game or swimming in their favorite pool.  The nice thing is that the place they picked was 'theirs'.  They could go to that place at any time- ANY TIME.

I used to share with my students about my 'happy place'.  I almost forgot about it until today as I began this blog.  When I was in high school and used to visit the local YMCA frequently, there was a trail that I used to love to walk or jog on.  It winded down and around this beautiful little creek.  There was a bench that sat under an old over-grown shade tree.  Sometimes I would find myself sitting their and getting lost in the moment.  I'd watch the sunlight bounce off the water streaming over the rocks.  I'd listen to the nature that sang all around me.  I'd feel comfortable in the shade with the slight breeze blowing.  It was so picturesque and perfect.  I don't live in that town any more.  I can't go back to that spot every time I need my happy place, but certainly the memories I have can be visited any time it's needed.

Our mind is a powerful tool.  While we can't live the perfect life, have the perfect family or perfect job; we CAN have the perfect happy place.  This happy place can be visited as often as needed.  It can remind us to stop, relax and take a few deep breaths.  It can remind us that there are perfect moments that do exist in our difficult lives.

Find a place that works for you.  Find people that make you happy and feel loved.  Find a routine that you can live with that makes you feel productive and accomplished.  Find a healthy habit that keeps you strong, both physically and mentally.  Find your spiritual connection that can be fostered with the time and energy you have to give.  Most importantly, find what works for you and then nourish the heck out of it.  That will be a great start to bringing your happy place to your day to day living!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay.'

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