Friday, May 3, 2013

"Mom, I'd Be Frustrated Too If I Was My Kid!"

Seriously?  What five-year-old says this to her mother?  I guess mine does.  These little creatures we call children are so wise beyond their years.  We were getting dressed for the day and I may have huffed one too many times.  My daughter calmly reminded me, "Just calm down, Mom."  She then finished up with, "I know you are frustrated with me.  I would be frustrated, too, if I was my kid!"  I couldn't help but laugh!

Sometimes I wonder if I share too much of how I feel with my children.  Here are a few quotes that might give you a little insight into how I lose the 'Mom of the Year' award daily.  Not to worry, I've not expected to win that for many years.  My goal is simply to win 'Mom of the Moment' once or twice a week:)

"Take a breath, Mom"
"It's okay, Mom, it's just juice."
"I'm sure it's normal to get crabby.  I think all moms are crabby sometimes."
"Remember, you said you weren't going to yell anymore!"
"Calm down, Mom.  Just tell yourself to calm down."
"Count to three, Mom!"
"Just breathe in and out slowly, Mom."

These are just a few that come to mind.  There are many, many more.  I expect that someday I will look back and realize that my kids did a heck of a job raising me!  I learn so much from them everyday ... my little wonders.  There is no way to love every minute of the blessings that have entered my life, but there are moments when I stand in awe of the little people that make our house a home and our family complete.

Here's to the moments of glory.  The 'it's okay' moments will continue to happen.  My kids will have to continue to remind me of the goals I set for myself.  I will continue to screw up daily and lose 'Parent of the Year' over and over.  But, in my moments, my peaceful and calm and loving moments, I can know that I am doing the very best job I can!

It's okay.

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