Wednesday, May 15, 2013

To All The Mother's Out There...

My Dearest Mama's,

I have struggled for days with how to say,
That each of you matter in so many different ways.
I wanted mothers young and old,
To be reminded of the heart their feelings hold.

Mother's here and mothers gone,
Touch us in ways that last our whole life long.
Forgotten, you are never,
Though some days you struggle to see how special.

Motherhood is never easy,
It is a job that never completely pleases.
Worry, guilt, sadness ... feelings that overwhelm,  
We only feel confident to share these with dear friends.

As a mother you will never get it perfect,
But life with you makes it worth it!
Your imprint will last beyond your time,
In the hearts and minds of the little people you call, "mine"!

Don't be ashamed of the hard days you've had,
Don't feel regret for the moments you were beyond mad.
Don't feel that you didn't do it right,
Know that motherhood is a constant fight.

The struggles we fight are often our own,
Never believing we deserve that motherhood throne!
Your love is what matters most,
Not the forgotten library books or the burnt toast.

Though you can't do it all and be it all,
That's not what your children will most recall.
The simple touch, listening ear and boo-boo kiss
Will be what your kids most miss.

Take a moment and think really hard,
About the gifts that only YOU can share with us all.
You're special and different than any other, 
You're YOU, you're an amazing mother!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 

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