Thursday, May 16, 2013

Life Is A Journey. Bring Comfy Shoes.

I recently received a gift of stationary and sticky notes that had the most amazing Life is Good quotes on them from Hallmark.  The top pad had an adorable pair of old converse-type shoes with the quote, "Life is a journey. Bring comfy shoes."  What a wonderful 'real' quote.  Life is anything but predictable and expected ... some days are amazing and full of joy, while others are daunting and overwhelming.

So we can't be fully prepared for the journey that life often forces us to travel.  That's okay.  Once we accept that, we are able to be more comfortable with the opportunities or challenges that might pop up.  The 'shoe' part of the quote allows us to think hard about who we are.  If we look in our closets at the shoes that are stacked up, we might recall the many journeys that have brought to where we currently are in life.

Comfort is in the eye of the beholder.  As I was enjoying the park and a picnic with my two little ones this morning, I couldn't help but look around.  There was a party of some sort going on at the park with an assortment of parents and little people.  Many of them looked as though they were 'ready' for their day.  Cute outfits, matching shoes, hair done ... and then there was me!  Capri sweatpants, three-year-old plain black flip flops, a black hat (since I got a workout in earlier, but no shower), and a ratty old tank top.

There was a moment when I started to doubt myself.  I started to wonder why I hadn't taken more time to look more presentable.  But, I had to stop.  Differences are what make us who we are.  I am comfortable in the clothes I chose to wear today.  I was able to get a little dirty and not feel bad about it.  I didn't worry that the humidity was 880% and would have destroyed the hair that I so rarely do.  My old flip-flops didn't take any more of a beating than they have the last three years:)

You never know why people are the way they are or why they make the decisions that they make.  It's okay that you do things different.  Your journey is not like any other.  It's okay that your comfort level looks different than someone else.  Shoes are designed to fit the assortment of feet that exist in our world.  Some people are comfortable in high Stilettos, while others can't go without their tennis shoes.

Life is a journey, with roadblocks and detours and four-corner stops.  You have to choose how to handle each of the nuisances that change your world.  You get to decide which shoe will best help you travel the road only you travel.  Try not to wish for the shoes that are on your neighbor.  Chances are, they won't be as comfortable as the ones you already have.  Blisters are no fun and only add to the already challenging journey you are traveling.     

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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