Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Where Does The Time Go?

Where on earth does time go?  How do we get to a point in our life where everything has been such a whirl wind that we wonder if we have appreciated the gifts that have blessed our lives?  I remember before I was married, that people would say, "Watch out, before you know it you'll be married with four kids!"  My answer was always a chuckle and, "Yeah, right."  Well, all be darned ... it happened.

Our neighbors are moving away.  We moved into this house when our oldest daughter was nine months old.  She is now eight.  We have watched our neighbors little four-year-old turn into a fifth grader and their six-year-old turn into an almost driver.  Where on earth did the time go?  As they prepare for their last days in the house next to ours, I'm left with a little pit in my stomach. 

We trust our neighbors.  We like our neighbors.  We can end up in the driveway for an hour chatting when a nice day presents itself.  We've had meaningful life conversations and shared beverages after long days and swapped parenting stories.  Have we taken them for granted?  Little things like when we forget to feed our dog or need our flowers watered or just need someone to check in on the house.  We have been so fortunate to grow into our family as we were surrounded by them and their family.

Last night my neighbor needed a washing machine.  It was such a nice time.  We watched TV, chatted and played with my two-year-old as the laundry machine was working away.  We chatted about how much we wish kids could stay two forever.  Not that the fits and misunderstandings are all that fun when little people are two, but boy are they care-free and full of life.  So innocent and so full of love. 

I admitted last night that I can't remember my older three being two.  I can't remember their crazy sayings or the dances they used to do.  I have pictures and can look back and recall certain things, but the feeling I had last night just watching my two-year-old is gone.  I'm so sad today as I think about never being able to get that time back.  I don't think I wasted time and I don't have regrets.  Just sadness for the fact that I know there were days that I was so overwhelmed with life that I didn't appreciate the joy of the stages they were in. 

We had three kids in three years with our older children.  Life was hectic and busy.  But, it was also joyful and amazing.  I just can't believe it is gone.  It will never be back.  Life keeps moving at a pace that we cannot control.  Kids are busy in activities and adults have to maintain this crazy thing called life.  Days are stressful.  Moments are overwhelming.  But, boy, the years are so short.  Time flies when you least expect it to and when you are least prepared for it. 

What things do you miss?  What moments do you most want to remember?  Life is amazing, but it goes way too fast.  It's hard to let go of being productive and getting things done.  But, for today, I am remembering to look deep into the eyes of each of my kids and vowing to love the stage they are in.  It won't last forever.  I will probably forget again tomorrow.  I am so grateful for my neighbors that will still live next door for the next two days.  They are wonderful people that have been comfortable and real and reliable ... it's been a pleasure to grow our family next to them and watch their family grow. 

The time went way too fast.  I have got four great little people to show for it.  The challenge is to now appreciate the struggles that exist with four little people and not miss the amazement that they create (even amongst the chaos)!  Thank you my dear neighbors for reminding me what life is all about:) You will be greatly missed!

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