Monday, May 20, 2013

The Secret To Life Is Enjoying The Ride.

Onto my second pad ... last week I told  you about a stationary set I received from a friend.  It is from Hallmark and has Life is Good quotes on each pad.  I loved, loved, loved them all and felt they were very fitting for the 'It's Okay' philosophy.  The first, "Life is a journey. Bring comfy shoes."  And now, "The secret to life is enjoying the ride."

Would you compare life to an amusement park?  Absolutely.  I was once taught a strategy to use with grieving children.  You have them draw an amusement park that represented their grief.  There were rides that were scary in which they wouldn't face alone.  There were rides that they had to do by themselves.  Some rides went up and down and all around; much like the emotions they were faced with in grief.  It was interested to see how the children were able to draw their emotions through that of an amusement park and then explain how it related to their own experience.

After having much success with this strategy, I adapted it for children who struggle with emotion management and self-image.  I found that we are all faced with situations that can be compared to that of an amusement park.  There are times in our life that we take on challenges, only to be disappointed.  There are moments when we would rather be alone, to shamed to share what we are feeling.  There are life situations that are beyond scary in our own world, that need the support of people. 

Whatever challenges you are facing or emotions you are managing, know that you are not alone.  We all struggle through this thing called life.  Some days we are high as a kite and can take on the top-rated roller coaster.  But, there may also be days where all we can handle is a quiet float down the lazy river alone.

Don't be ashamed if your emotions travel up and down and all around.  Don't beat yourself up if you need to ask for help with an overwhelming event you can't face alone.  Don't worry if you look in the mirror some days and feel like you are in the magic image room where you see someone who doesn't look like you.  Try to enjoy the ride you are on.  It may not be the ride your neighbor is willing to brave, but it is the ride that works for you.

Whether you are on a slow moving Ferris Wheel or the fastest upside down Roller Coaster, try to savor what is good about it.  Tomorrow you may have the courage to jump on a more challenging ride or you may need to slow down a bit and see what the amusement park has to offer you.  It's okay to go on a ride alone.  It's okay to gather as many friends as you need to gain support.  It's okay to beg the conductor to stop while you catch your breath.  No two rides are the same.  Many times, no two days are the same.  Certainly, no two lives are the same.  Embrace the journey that is yours and the ride you have chosen for today.

The secret to life is enjoying the ride ... no matter which one you are on!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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