Thursday, May 9, 2013

Oops ... Spoke Too Soon!

You know that moment when you start to feel good about your accomplishments (even the small ones)?  There's that sense of glory and pride beaming from your heart.  No one needs to say anything or even notice because you are able to recognize it for yourself! 

And then ... there is that unfortunate moment after when you realize that you may have spoke to yourself too soon.  You realize that your accomplishment wasn't quite what you thought or your amazement is shattered by an unseen 'it's okay' moment.

My husband was a doll this morning.  I asked him to wake me when he got up to shower so that I could go for my day #3 of running a mile in the morning sans kids.  When he rolled over to wake me, I simply told him that I wasn't going to make it.  I had been up with our youngest on and off from midnight to 4:00 am and didn't have it in me.  Plus I was planning to attend class at the YMCA at 8:30, so I could still get a workout in.  He let me sleep until 7:15 am and helped in getting the kids ready for school.  Though I felt overly guilty about him staying and helping, I was extremely grateful!

Even though I was exhausted, we made it out the door on time and walked to school.  The older two were dropped off without a hitch and we made it home in time to jump in the van and head to the Y.  I got the two younger ones dropped off at the daycare and my little lady didn't even let a tear roll down her cheek (I could tell it was looming, but she held it in).  I made it through a very difficult workout and went to pick up the little ladies from daycare so we could head to the pool for an hour of swimming.

My youngest had done her business in the daycare, so I was beaming that I wouldn't have to change a poop-filled swim diaper.  It was unfortunate that she must have needed to double-duty her morning bowels because she did fill her swim diaper.  BUT, I had a spare (this is very impressive considering a previous blog I wrote about when I admitted to very rarely being prepared with diapers)!  So we swam our hearts out.

We made it through shower time and headed back to get dressed.  The two ladies were dressed and eating a snack.  All that was left was for me to get dressed and then we would head out with enough time to get home and eat a quick lunch before preschool.  It was then that I had my moment.  That proud, "I did it!" moment.  Feeling on top of the world that I didn't let my tiredness get in the way of a workout.  So grateful that the morning happened without a major catastrophe.  I felt a little skip in my step!

CRASH ... down came my moment.  I was getting dressed, ready to move on to the next part of our day.  My pants were on, but the frantic search began.  I had a shirt to put on with my pants, but get this ... I didn't have a bra!  Yep, my moment was done.  I suppose I could have put on my sweaty bra, but that didn't appease to my clean body.  My five-year-old simply smiled and said, "Do you really need a bra?  Isn't that thing a bra?"  She was referring to an undershirt.  My comment, "Nope, but it will have to do."

Thank goodness for a large bag full of swim stuff and three coats from a chilly morning that were no longer needed.  We grabbed our bags and headed out.  So, there you have it.  I forgot my bra.  If it's not one thing, it's another.  At least I had a diaper- the silver lining is that forgetting a diaper would've been A LOT worse!

Here's to your moments.  It's okay.

Don't forget to 'like' It's Okay Books on Facebook so you don't miss out on more opportunities to realize that your 'it's okay' moments aren't happening just to you!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome job!!! and a diaper is WAY more important!!! :) You got a lot accomplished!!

