Sunday, July 7, 2013

Lesson Learned

The Church is not a gallery for the exhibition of eminent Christians, but a school for the education of imperfect ones. -Henry Ward Beecher 

Well, this quote definitely sums up my morning and this picture to the left IS NOT how children feel about church!

We decided to go to later mass today so that we wouldn't be rushed around or stressing for time. The kids got to help in making this decision, so I had the ridiculous notion that they might actually be happy about going to church ... ha!

We have so many wonderful things in our life and in our family- shouldn't the children be able to recognize this? NO. NO, no, no. They are eight, seven, five and two. Get real, Mom. They are children. They don't want to sit silently for an hour and be gracious about the good Lord up above. I should know this. I am an educator for goodness sakes. The way they act is totally age-appropriate and my expectations are sometimes unrealistic. 

After enjoying a pancake breakfast, I helped all my children complete their morning duties. I offered support in cleaning up rooms and making beds. I decided to do this. I created my own stress by giving myself 15 measly minutes to get ready for church. No one was to blame, but ME!

My hubby went down as I was scurrying around trying to ready myself for mass. He got the kids in the car and was just waiting on me. We had plenty of time to get to church. I got in my righteous mood and asked, "Did you have them go to the bathroom?" Though, I can't make my words in this blog as nasty as they were rolling off my tongue. I huffed and puffed and rushed the kids inside to use the restroom (even getting angry at one for going poop... come on, Mom). 

So we started down the road and my husband looked at me very kindly, "You know, if it stresses you out this much to go to church, maybe we shouldn't go."

Well. Humph. 

I sat on his words for a minute and realized how ridiculous I was being. We were going to church. I heard the priest preach to my 2nd grader last year about how church doesn't start at the beginning of the mass, but rather the moment you wake up. I was not in my right mind and needed that second of clarity. 

While my children were NOT happy about going to church, we made it. We made it on time. We made it through the complete service without any major catastrophes (thanks to my husband who took the child that I said I COULD NOT deal with for one more second). 

The quote at the top of this blog sums me up. I don't go to church because I am an eminent Christian, but rather I go because I am constantly being educated about how to be a better one! Saying I am as imperfect as the rest of world is quite true and this morning would have been a compliment!

Here's to your imperfect qualities. Don't stress over them. Just recognize and do the best you can with what you have to work with. I'm hopeful that you have someone as grounded as I do to keep you in check! Though I would never tell him ... my spouse was SO right this morning:)

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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