Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Minor Setbacks

So, last Saturday was the $1 flip flop sale at Old Navy.  Who missed out?  It was fabulous.  For $5.35, I had four amazingly happy children and five pairs of flip flops.  Their smiles were priceless.  Something so small made their day so very bright.  

We got started a little late for the annual sale.  I wanted to leave promptly at 8:50 am so that we could be there when the doors opened at 9:00 am.  I knew it would be busy.  We didn’t leave until 9:02 am, which didn’t dampen my mood or the three little darlings that came with me to pick out their favorite color of flip flops.  My son opted out of the shopping adventure but made sure to lock in the colors he would want with my oldest.  

There is a turn-a-bout right near the Old Navy store.  I had my eyes on the store and the two-way street ahead scanning for parking places.  I was making a mental note to just go past the store and park in the parking lot a little further away.  I noticed a truck going quite fast for a shopping center but just kept going on my merry way.  Nothing was going to ruin our $1 sale morning!

It was my fault.  I was in the wrong.  I did not yield at the turn-a-bout like I was supposed to.  If either myself or the truck driver had hesitated even a second more before slamming on the brakes, we would have had more than a minor accident.  Thank heavens our cars didn’t touch.  I was about to raise my hand with the apologetic wave and mouth, “I’m sorry” when he made me feel about as small as a pea.

He didn’t have to shout at me with words, his actions were far louder.   His face looked as mean and horrid as anyone could imagine.  I think if I was standing near him, I would have feared for my life.  I had to follow him through the round turn and unfortunately he headed right to the parking lot where I was also going.  I decided to park right next to him and share how I felt.

I told the girls to stay in the car a second while I talked to the gentleman (who was anything but gentle).  “I’m really sorry that I didn’t see you.  I wasn’t hoping to get in an accident this morning.  I didn’t want to hit you.  You really weren’t very friendly to me and I was just going to wave and tell you I was sorry.  It seemed like you were going awfully fast.”  After a few shared words, he ended up kind of apologizing that he berated me with his actions.  I appreciated that he acknowledged that is was an accident and that it could have happened to anyone. 

I know that Old Navy was having a $1 flip flop sale, but REALLY?  I got my girls out and headed into the store right after the gentleman I had just talked to.  We had a fabulous time picking out flip flops.  My eight-year-old had to shop in the Women’s section and got size 7.  Yep, size 7 … dear Lord, where did the time go?

We were all so happy.  The girls carrying their Old Navy balloons, me not annoyed that they were enjoying walking on the cement benches; giggling and laughing.  I apologized to one couple, we were, after all, taking up the whole sidewalk between the four of us and their dilly-dallying.  Another woman came up on her phone.  She was obviously in a major rush with her several bags of flip flops.  I apologized to her as well and all I got was a nasty look. 

These two minor set-backs in our morning could have been major road blocks.  Usually they would have ruined my spirits.  There have been times I would have gotten angry at the kids for being in the way.  But, Saturday morning, I was just disappointed.  Not with my kids, but with some of the people in this world.  I get in a hurry, too.  I struggle just like the best of them.  I believe most people in this world are good and do the best with what they have to work with.  

Saturday I was reminded that we all have a negative side, but mine doesn’t have to come out.  I don’t have to get beat down by others who are frustrated with my kids taking in a glorious morning!  The next time I’m in a hurry, I want to remember not to get frustrated with those taking life a little slower than I am or enjoying a moment that I am missing.  

I sure hope I remember!

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