Thursday, July 18, 2013

New Opportunities

Wouldn't it be amazing if we could look at new opportunities like this woman on the left? Isn't life more fun when we just jump on board and enjoy the ride?

Well, it's just not that easy. Change is hard on everyone involved.

We are nearing the point in our summer where school is quickly approaching. The children are starting to talk about what teacher they might get, nerves are creating butterflies in the bellies children knowing decisions are out of their control, parents are thinking ahead to be prepared for schedules and routines ... this is all happening and SUMMER ISN'T EVEN OVER!

Looking ahead and making plans is wonderful. Setting goals keeps us focused. BUT, while all this is happening, it is critical to remember that our time today with the people in our lives that we love most is what is most important.

A friend sent me a text this morning and said she thought of me when she found it ... it couldn't go unshared and it is a wonderful reminder that even though we are on the brink of changes in a month, there are lot's of today's still to enjoy.

My to-do list for today:

-Count my blessings
-Practice kindness
-Let go of what I can't control
-Listen to my heart
-Be productive yet calm
-Just breathe
From Esperanza Wild on Pinterest

My summer will end without checking off everything on the old to-do list. If that is my only regret, I should be pleased. Time. I will never get back the time I have right now. I'm not going to race around the next three weeks of summer and ruin my time at home (well, at least I'm going to TRY not to)!

Here's to you enjoying the rest of your summer! Wouldn't it be something if we didn't put so much pressure on 'summer' and just lived all year enjoying the days like we do our summer days? Best of luck to you (and me) taking advantage of time with the people we love most.  

New opportunities will be here before we know it ... enjoying today will help us embrace the changes coming tomorrow!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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