Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Struggle of Finding Peace, Love & Joy!




Who knew three little words could be so powerful? Wouldn't it be something to be at ease and feel a sense of peace? What about having a heart so full of love it felt like it could burst? Or maybe, imagine feeling so happy that joy seeped from your very being.

"All I want is some peace and quiet!"

Are you kidding me? No one 'gives' me peace. I allow peace into my life when I choose. It's 100% up to me. When I choose to engage in activities that utilize the best me- I feel less stress. When I know how to say, "No!" to the things in life that leave me anxious or constantly doubting, I can find more peace.

I can choose peace. I can find comfort. I can allow myself to enjoy the calm amidst the wildest storm.

Hugs. Smiles. Laughter. Kind words. Love notes.

I can also choose love.

When the holiday cheer turns into the holiday sneer- I can steer clear of the things and people in life that bring me down. I can stay positive and loving.

I must remember that life will not be perfect. BUT, I must also remember that life is short and my loved ones may not be here one day. I must fight to cherish and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!

Joy to the world!!!!!!!!

Tis' the season to merry and bright. Right? Yes. Yes, it is! As long as I make it that way. My joy will abound when I seize the moments to truly appreciate the millions of blessings in my life.

It's time! We CAN . . . find peace, fill our hearts with love and spread the best and most joyful parts of ourselves.

Today I will give an extra hug. Smile more often than normal. Share kind words. Play a game. Listen and listen some more. Let go of what I cannot control. Sit in silence and put my phone down. Read. Do something I enjoy. Today I will count my blessings- one by one by one by one by one!

Say 'yes' to slowing down the pace of life
  share your smile & a hug
  Notice your blessings & have fun w/ them

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Simple Pleasures: Simply LOVE the Skin You're In!

Falling leaves. Farm animals. Tire swings. Tree climbing. Fluorescent sunsets.

It's easy to notice the simple pleasures when looking at the world around- even enjoyable to search for beauty in the most unusual places.

It's more difficult to notice the simple pleasures within ourselves; our very different and unique selves.

Laugh lines. Shiny gray strands. Lumpy curves. Mistakes. Failures. Fears. Quirks.

Do I dare go on? Should we cover all the reasons it's so difficult to actually love the skin we are in?

The idea that we can relish in the simple pleasures of our life . . . well, it's easier said than done. BUT, we must try. In order to find contentment and happiness, we must strive to be grateful and diligently notice the simple pleasures surrounding us and within us.

Hardship. Illness. Death. Destruction. Dysfunction. Violence. Hatred. Misunderstanding.

There are a million reasons to avoid noticing or appreciating not only the greatness happening around you- but also within you.

The first step is to understand, appreciate and accept who YOU are. We are each created uniquely wonderful. Shape, size, hair color, strengths, abilities, freckles, birthmarks . . . it's all part of YOU. Along with those parts also come limitations- limitations can NOT be our focus, only thought of as part of the whole package; making us complete and just as human as everyone else.

When negativity or difficulties are knocking at your door, you can open it and let the dark and doom overshadow your life.


You can keep that door shut tight, head to the window, open it and let the fresh air flow in. You can find the glimmer of sunlight shining bright. You can notice the bird soaring through the sky. You can look deep inside and find the simple pleasures surrounding you and within you.

Look in the mirror. What do you see? I know it's hard- I know you'll go straight to the negatives. You'll notice the simple flaws.


Look again. This time force yourself to notice the simple pleasures. The pieces of you that are beautiful and different. Then look deeper. Think of what makes you special, unique and important to this world.

The world is better because of YOU. This life simply wouldn't be the same without the simple pleasure of you being YOU.

"Mom, look up. What do you see? I see a crocodile eating an alligator."

Simple pleasure. Cloud gazing.

Simple pleasure. I'm not a perfect mom, but in that 'cloud gazing moment', life couldn't be more perfect. The negative tone I used earlier can be erased by the gentle creativity I share with my three-year-old.

Simple pleasure?

Yes, please!

It's totally up to me.

A simple request = take time to find the simple pleasures- around you and within you.

Look deep to find the beauty within yourself. Love you for you. Enjoy the skin you are in. Everyday is a gift . . . LIVE like it.

Simple Pleasures
Notice the beauty around you.
Notice the beauty within yourself.
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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Monday, November 3, 2014

What Are You Doing?

"I wake up. I see the beautiful sky. It was so nice to be alive; to write songs and be with my friends today!"

My obnoxious and spirited #3 . . . what amazing perspective!

The other day I looked at my spouse; at my one and only, "Honey, what are we doing?"

We are at a time of questioning- wondering if we are in various life activities for the right reasons. Hopeful we are providing opportunities and raising our children to be the best they can be. Worried that we are missing the big picture of what it is all about . . . getting caught up in the 'doing' instead of the 'loving' our six-year-old reminds us of.

Big questions. Different times. The seasons of life.

Life brings us season after season. Some are mild and fly by without much notice. Some offer perfect- top 10 weather- day after day. Some seasons are bold, fierce and leave burns from the cold wind.


What season are you in? What are you doing with your life? Is it mild and manageable? Or fierce and blowing out of control.

I think back to the slower days that I sometimes wished away- days at home with diapers and strollers and messy meals. Moments were so lonely and some days stretched so long they felt as though they would never end.

Our kids are a little older . . . no diapers- just activities, homework and sibling struggle after sibling struggle. I sometimes secretly wish for those long days at home with no worries except when the next diaper would explode, or cry would come out or mess would present itself. Knowing that there were thousands of moments of joy tucked inside every challenge within those younger years.

And then, sometimes I find myself wishing for the next season. Hoping this one will fly by so the next one might be easier or less complicated (this is in no way the truth, but our thinking can be so convoluted and wrong)!

We must not wish seasons away- even the hard ones. We grow from each season. We become better with every fallen leaf, crack in the ice or blinding ray of sunlight.

Our season; our struggles, they are not that great in the scheme of life. They are certainly not more than any of yours reading this. It's just that the season we are in is causing us to look deep; rethink. We are taking time to regroup and ask ourselves, "What are we doing?"

It's time to STOP!

All of us need to stop and reflect on the season we are in. It's not about the things. It's not about amounts. More is not necessarily better.

People. Relationships. Memories. Love.

Whatever season we are in, we much make sure we are doing everything we can to make the most of it! If we are lucky enough to be enjoying a calm before the storm- goodness, we must spend our days in gratitude.

If we are in a manageable season that continues to move and change, certainly we must ask if we are taking advantage of the moments of glory and not focusing on the leaves cluttering our lawn. We must pick and choose the battles of frustration and make the most of the blessings tucked in our daily monotony and routine.

Is your season fierce? Or out of control? Are you dealing with the unimaginable? Is death, illness or tragedy knocking at your door? If so, I'm sorry. You don't deserve this awful season. So many bad things happen to amazing people- and it's not fair for you.

My hope for us all- no matter what season we are in . . . that we remember our seasons are important to us. Our struggles hurt- no matter how big or small. Some seasons will come and go easier than others- some will feel like they will never end. Imagine what the world could be like if we'd recognize that our seasons are all different and reaching out might make a season more manageable for others.

STOP. Reflect. Question.

The weather is changing- may the wind blow in your favor. May the stars shine bright on those you love! May hope forever stay inside your heart.

"I wake up. I see the beautiful sky. It was so nice to be alive; to write songs and be with my friends today!"

What are you doing?
What direction is this season steering you?
Stop & reflect! Are you

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Focus on YOU!

At what point in life do you realize that control is an illusion? When does it become apparent- and part of your own belief system- that you CAN NOT control anyone or anything?
Since I basically teach this daily to students and co-workers, you would think I could buy into my own philosophy. The philosophy that says we cannot control anyone but ourselves. We are powerless to make others do what we want them to do. We cannot 'change' people. We cannot force new behaviors or habits or, or, or! We CAN'T.
However, we CAN control ourselves. We CAN make good choices. We CAN do the right thing (even when others aren't). We CAN make the best of the hand we've been dealt.
Tonight I took a much needed walk around the lake. It occurred to me that my greatest irritations come from my inability to control my family. How sad is that?
I want them to do what I want, when I want and how I want. Goodness, woman. Are you a dictator? Why, yes. It appears that way.
I sometimes feel as though my children and husband are supposed to like little puppets on a string- and me the puppeteer. Wouldn't that be something? Shoes would be put away. Clothes would be in the laundry right-side out. Manners would happen 110% of the time. Kind words would always be shared. There'd never be a toilet lid left up or dish undone or a squabble needing to be broken up.
WOW. Slow down. Listen to what you are saying.
That's not heavenly. That's boring. And sad. And NOT REAL LIFE! Grow up, woman.
For goodness sakes, take your own advice. Recognize that you cannot control anyone but yourself. You are the only one you can change. And that's how it should be.
As I was walking and the sun started to set- it was all so clear. I need to chill out, appreciate what I have and . . . change my own behavior. It was also then that the bugs started to enter my ears, eyes and mouth!
The universe was also reminding me that nothing in life is meant to be perfect. Not even a beautiful sunset. With the dusk comes the beauty- and also the bugs!
So I began to count the things I CAN control.
I CAN . . .
Get up 15 minutes earlier to make our morning more successful.
Start each day with a hug and kiss for each of my loved ones- starting the day on the right foot.
Model good behavior when others are not- keeping my cool & staying calm.
Believe in myself and those around me- recognizing strengths & positives.
Be healthy- putting good food into my body and getting moving.
Be the fun-loving woman that my friends and co-workers get to see (but to my family, too)!
My children are not puppets. My husband doesn't belong on a string. I am not a puppeteer. I CANNOT control others. Time to step it up and work on myself.
This week I will try to prove my husband wrong . . . I AM NOT a STICK in the MUD!
We are NOT meant to control others (though we want to)!
Time to FOCUS on what you can control
Take control &
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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Thursday, September 18, 2014

How About a YES! Day?

Wouldn't it be something if we could say, "Yes!" to more things, yet feel less stress?

I'm not talking about taking on more 'things' - I'm talking about saying YES! to what matters most. 

Will you slow down and relax for a moment? YES!
Will you sit down, enjoy a cup of coffee with me and share endless conversation? YES!
Will you play tic tac toe? YES!
Will you call me and LISTEN to me (instead of multi-tasking)? YES!
Will you walk a long, slow and patient walk; noting all the beautiful nature & sounds? YES!

Will you lay with me ... read with me ... sit down and eat with me ... talk with me about my day ... relax ... stay calm ... talk kindly to me ... listen to me ... love me?


Time is something that is NOT endless. There will be a day when it is gone. Too often we take for granted that the time we are given must not be wasted on a whole lot of, "NO's!"

I'm too tired. I don't have the energy. Not tonight. Maybe tomorrow. Next week I will try. Let's put something on the calendar for next month. I just don't have it in me. Let's talk later.

Here's your weekend challenge (and mine, too)! Put down your devices. Turn off your TV's. Forget all your excuses and for goodness sakes, don't worry about cleaning.

Instead, say, "YES!"

Yes, I will sit, talk and engage with you. Certainly I would love to play a game with you. I'm never to busy share my love with those I love the most. Of course I will read with you. It'd be a delight to meet you for coffee. I'd love to lay in bed with you, spoon with you and snuggle the morning away.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

This week is ending. The weekend is quickly approaching. Time to check-in on life and what REALLY matters the most. Forget the 'stuff' and the 'things' this weekend. Instead, say YES! to love. Honor your relationships by taking time; by enjoying the blessing of being together. 

Make today a YES! day!

Forget the stuff. Forget the things.

Remember it's people that matter most. Say YES! to them.

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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Thursday, September 11, 2014

Different is GREAT!

There are no two people exactly alike on this earth.

There are no two struggles that are identical.

There really is no way around being different in one way or another (or in every way in between).

It's funny how we seem to strive to conform to the 'norm', yet I often wonder if normal even exists. Is there a right way to look? To be? To act? To talk?

Certainly when we get on our high horses, we can pretend to KNOW that there IS a RIGHT WAY and, of course, WE KNOW WHAT THAT WAY IS!


The truth is, there are different ways of interacting, communicating, spending, working, believing . . . so many different ways. And- It's Okay!

In fact- IT'S GREAT! Different is GREAT!

I can't take all the credit for this blog post. A young man at my school this evening was chatting with me about my 'new look'! I had Lasik surgery last week and no longer have glasses. I've heard far too many times to count about how different I look. I was simply waiting for his similar response.

But, this young man made my week. "Different isn't bad- different is GREAT!"

Awe, how about that boost.

Let's all take some time to step down from our high horses. This weekend and into next week, let's try to remember how wonderful differences are.

Life would be so boring if we were all the same. Work wouldn't be as productive if we all didn't offer various strengths. Families would be bland and without excitement if everyone wanted to do the same thing at the exact same time. Food would lose the amazing spice and flavor that temps our awaiting taste buds.

Different isn't bad. Different is GREAT!

We're all different
Don't judge. Don't assume wrong. Don't think its bad.
Different makes the world go round!
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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Friday, September 5, 2014

Are You Fully Living Your Life?

Taken From: Life With Intent by Kerika

Where have you been?

What on earth have you been doing?

Why has it been so long?

That is what my blog keeps asking me over and over and over! Sadly, I don't have a good answer. Does this cut it . . . "I just haven't been feeling it lately!"

Hold on to your seats as life takes you on unseen twists and turns. Don't blink or you might miss years of living.


What does this word mean to you?

Surely we have to account for breathing, our beating heart- but, then what?

I've been struggling the last month with idea I might not be fully participating in my living or my life. I look around and see friends, family and people I don't even know struggling. Not like struggling because they are busy or life is hectic. But, STRUGGLING.

Cancer. Special needs. Chronic illnesses. Death of loved ones. Sick children. Unseen cures.

Now many of them are still breathing and have beating hearts- but certainly their definition of living is different than a lot of ours.

I like to have control in my life (often my children suffer from this-ha!). Lately I've questioned how much in life we really can have control of. I think I might have even given up a little on life thinking, "Why? There's so much heartache. Why?"

But- I'm back to me. I'm back to believing that we DO have control of our living. Certainly there are circumstances, illnesses and tragedy that are completely OUT of our control. Let's not focus on those things- let's take the reigns of what we CAN control!

Smiles :)
Loving words.
Listening ears.
Belief in our abilities.
Noting the strengths of others.
Giving of time, energy or money (whatever we are able).
Being a friend.
Reaching out to those in need.
Being kind.
Sharing our gifts.
Taking care of ourselves.
Eating healthy.
Loving our earth.

I got overwhelmed the other day with the idea that I can't FIX the many chronic illnesses that are out there. I realized I don't have the pocket book to give to do research for them all. I watched the news a few times and felt that our world was full of nothing but hate and violence. I started down the negative path of thinking that there is NOTHING I can do.

I had to stop. I turned off the TV. I can do something.

I will give when I can. I will help whenever I am able. I will volunteer as often as is possible. I will smile & listen & care.

I can't fix the world. But I can LIVE my life. I can make positive changes for myself. I can eat better and exercise. I can play with my children. I can support my friends. I can focus on a better me to share with the world.

As hard times continue to happen around you, don't fret about the past. Try not to get caught up in what 'used' to be or what 'could have been'. Be present NOW. Dig deep and figure out what part of you isn't fully participating in this gift of life you have been given.

Where on earth have you been?
What have you been doing?
Why has it been so long?

LIVE YOUR LIFE TO THE FULLEST! After all, some people might not have the same opportunities you do. Take advantage with a grateful heart.

Are you living life to the fullest?
What could you do differently?
Reach out.
Share your gifts.
Live w/ gratefulness.

 Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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Thursday, August 21, 2014

#FridayFunny: Too Many To Count :)

When all else fails- we MUST laugh at ourselves.

My #FridayFunny could have come from any of the following occurrences this week . . . you decide which is the best.

Option 1: While wiping a kid's butt before heading out the door to work, I didn't realize there was more than a  smidge of snot on her nose. I probably didn't notice it after because the snot was no longer on her nose- nope! It was left in a nice straight line down the exact middle of my skirt.

Don't worry- the skirt only had a large wet circle on it for the first 30 minutes of the work day!

Option 2: My immaturity at it's finest! The school milk was semi-frozen. I was dumping a container of chocolate milk into the 'leftover milk container'. Only, it wouldn't quite pour out. It slid, ever so slowly and in a perfect cylinder-like shape.

Plop. Plop. Plop. Right into the bucket of brown liquid. I went ahead and did the whole jug- bit by bit by bit. Much like something or someone 'pooping'!

And, I couldn't stop laughing.

I need to grow up.

Option 3: I tried to have a civilized conversation about current events. I won't say any more- except that my lack of knowledge is indescribable (and very sad).

I could continue about sitting on the floor and then trying to get up- darn hip. It locked right up and I was stuck. Or about running into the door because I forgot to turn the handle. Or my many slip-ups on words and trying to make sense.

The embarrassment could just keep on going.

I suppose it's good that I can laugh at myself. I'm the first to admit when I screw up. And- It certainly feels better to laugh than to cry!

How's your week been? Take a look back and decide what your #FridayFunny would be. Does something seem funny now, that wasn't really all that funny at the time? The 'it's okay' philosophy is that MOST times in life, as we look back, things really weren't as bad as they seemed.

I know one things for sure . . . I was lucky this wasn't the week I left my car running while I went in the store.

Take time today to laugh at yourself. Remember to love the YOU that YOU ARE! Embrace your funnies, flaws and all. Know that it's a blessing just to be able to laugh!

Laugh BIG & laugh often.

Enjoy the weekend.

What's your ?
Take time 2 laugh @ yourself today.
Be silly.
Let embarrassment roll off your back.
Love your mess-ups w/ a smile!

 Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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Sunday, August 17, 2014

#MarriageMonday: Regroup & Sync

I got this ridiculous new contraption that I might be a little obsessed with!


Have you heard of this little monster? It tracks your steps, calories burned, sleep patterns, weight goals, calorie intake, etc. It's super cool!

Well, I had a fitbit failure on Friday and I forgot to wear my tracker. I was out of SYNC all day. Saturday when I tried to reconnect- NO luck. Sunday when my device was looking and looking and looking- NO LUCK.


And, it was so fitting for how I've been feeling not about my fitbit,, but about my life-- Just a little out of sync.

Do you get that way occasionally? I'm pretty sure it's normal (or at least I'll keep telling myself that!).

So what do we do when our devices are out of sync? We ask for help. We try to change our settings. We search and research and keep on trying to 'fix' our problem. All I had to do was plug in a goofy-looking button and I was synced in seconds

If only our life struggles were that easy to fix.

After a few weeks (not just days) of feeling out of whack, our family finally found a way to sync. We have been living in anything but harmony; haven't been able to compromise on a single thing- we haven't even been able to like one another.

So 'family meeting time' it was. A new plan was established. Clear and concise expectations (for all of us . . . even for the adult temper tantrums) were set. We put up our spousal zone defense against or four scoundrels. We divided our work and we conquered all!

Finally- we were once again connected.

Welcome back happy Hamilton's!

I know my moments of peace from today won't last. I know there will be a error in our connection along the way this week. Surely my clean house won't last for more than a day. The finished laundry will turn into the load of laundry I rewashed three times last week. The dishes that are done and put away will pile up on the counter. The frustration between my hubby and I that has ceased will surely flare up at some point.

BUT, for now . . . there is sync in our steps.

When we are stuck down low and out of sorts, we must first identify the root of the problem. Issues tend to pile up when we are already disconnected. Our spouse can help us find solutions if we utilize them for our search to regroup.

Take time this week to sync with those you love most. If you're not living in harmony with your significant other or family- take time to find out why. If you're not matching in your thinking- take time to talk about how to compromise. We must identify with those we care for in order keep our love big and strong!

Out of sync
Feeling disconnected
Not understanding
Take time to talk, regroup & get in sync
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Hot Mess!

And the Hot Mess Award goes to . . .

Yep! That's right!


Sadly, this is no award to be proud of. I was trying to think of some good synonyms that might work with Hot Mess. I think the list below pretty well sums it up.

Disaster. Cluster. Crazy. Ridiculous. Over-reactive. Lunatic. Nut Job. Psycho. Absurd.

Should I continue?

Once the Hot Mess concludes itself, then the self-loathing is in full force.

I've been absent from my blog writing for a while. I suppose it's safe to say that this is due to the transitions and changes occurring around me and my family. While many of these transitions and changes should not be life altering-- I feel a little out of my element.

Is it possible to be your best in one facet of your life and then not have the energy to be your best in the others? Does it again come down to balance? Does it have anything to do with self-forgiveness; being okay with not being able to do it all and be it all?

We cannot and should not be perfect. Emotions about our imperfections are a normal part of who we are. We each have our own demons we are fighting and certainly, some days the battles are going to be tougher than others.


Coping with this thing called life is certainly easier said than done. I think about the amazing Robin Williams and I can't help but tear up and wonder what went wrong and how we all failed him. He brought smiles to our faces and brightened our worlds over and over and over. He was his best for all of us. And, yet, I can't imagine the hurt, sadness or loneliness that he must have been feeling.

Let's all take a moment (me included) and remind ourselves of why we are wonderful. Let's forget the Hot Mess Award that we may have just won. Let's forgive ourselves for the mistakes that may have taken over our week. Let's note at least one thing that about ourselves that makes us pretty darn special. And, let's all make an effort to reach out to those around us and let them know what makes them pretty darn special, too (they might need us more than we could ever realize).

Good luck as you end this week. If it hasn't been the best- remember . . . It's NOT over yet. Greatness can still happen.

It's okay if that describes you lately
  Mess-ups are what make us better & stronger
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

#summergratitude: A Look Back . . .

Summer is NOT over.
It does not officially end until September 21st. That’s more than a month away- Summer IS NOT OVER!
But, for our family . . . IT IS.
The school year is just a week away from starting. My work as an educator has once again begun. My husband’s work as an administrator never really ended, but this time of year is his busiest.
Our summer is over.
And . . . It’s Okay.
It’s okay that the children have to be dressed and have their teeth brushed BEFORE noon. It’s okay that this mother has to do her hair and wear something other than yoga pants or black stretchy shorts (and get dressed and have my teeth brushed before noon!).
Life is going to speed up. Reality is going to set in. A routine will once again be established.
Change is and always will be hard for me (and maybe for you, too).
I will mourn the slow-down days summer brings. I will miss my three-year-old crawling in bed with me and sleeping for another hour. I will long for the willingness to lay in bed with my son at night or read ‘just one more book’ because we don't have the pressure of being on time in the morning.
While I will be sad today as summer ends, I will also have a budding of excitement.
My job is important. I love my job. I help people. I encourage children and help support adults. I will gain some empowerment just by getting up each and every day to go to work (and wearing 'real' clothes- ha!).
My children love school (well, the two girls do- the boy just ‘likes’ it!). They learn. They grow. Each year brings new opportunities, friendships and exciting new stages in development.
And, my little #4; my little bright light- she will flourish at daycare. She adores her friends and feels big when she has the opportunity to ‘go to school’ like the other kids.
As I look back as summer, it wasn’t perfect. There were days I ruined with my crabbiness. There were moments I didn’t think I’d have any hair left at the end of the day. There were times I was overwhelmed, sad, confused . . . even frumpy (from the very yoga pants I adore).
But, summer was also amazing, wonderful, relaxing, not to hot, just right and just what our family needed.
Today as I venture off to work- I will remember the good and learn from the bad. I will look at work as an opportunity for growth. I will smile and be the best I can be.
Summer might be ending, but for every end there is a bright new beginning!
Out w/ the old & in w/ the new.
Look for bright beginnings as you let go of the familiar
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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Thursday, July 31, 2014

#summergratitude: Take Time to Smell the Flowers!

                                                                           Rush, rush, rush!

How many things can we fit into a day? How can we best maximize the time we are given? How many checks can we make on that list?

Let's talk about that 'list'.

Does it include snuggles with your spouse or children or loved ones? Does it mention the meaningful conversation that might turn into hours of everyone feeling better? Does it carve out the 'you' time needed to care for your health and your sanity (whatever those activities are that you might need)?

The interesting thing about life and deadlines is that at some point - work must get done.

YET- is there a way to get the work done while finding time to stop and smell the flowers?

Is there a way to complete the necessary tasks, while keeping a slower pace that allows for . . . sit-down dinners, meaningful conversations, date nights, writing letters or notes, catching up or maintaining relationships with old friends . . . the things that are truly important in this life.

The other night my son asked me to lay with him. I turned to tell him I had a lot to do and then stopped. I plopped down on his bed and we chatted for five minutes. Five minutes. It was only five minutes- IN MY WHOLE DAY. And I was going to say I didn't have time (like I usually do).

There are people in this world who don't have the luxury to see their loved ones; separated by broken relationships, work or even war.

How lucky am I? Not only does my kid have a comfy bed to sleep in, but there's room enough to offer a spot to his mama.

Take time today. Smell a flower. Watch a cloud until you can form it into a magical creature. Talk to a friend or a co-worker or a family member (and actually engage in the conversation). Sit a little longer to savor your lunch or dinner. Let the dishes sit to finish a thought or a story. Get a workout in. Schedule a haircut or massage. Read a good book. Finish a crossword puzzle.

The rush of life will continue. But, you have the power to control your rush. The work must still get done- and it will. Let your life be enjoyable in the meantime!

  Take Time
Don't let the rush of life let life pass you by
Work & deadlines will always be
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Monday, July 28, 2014

#summergratitude: Just Keep Swimming

For those of you who have seen the movie, Finding Nemo, you can probably hear Dorie the fish repeating her famous saying.
"Just ... Keep .... Swimming. Just ... Keep ... Swimming. Just ... Keep .... Swimming."
Sometimes that's all we can do- just keep going.
And, we must.
There are times in life we feel in control and good about our place on earth. There are other times we struggle to know our purpose, our place and our future.
It's okay.
As we move through our days of summer, we must do what we do best and showcase our talents. We must keep on keeping- knowing that we can push our limitations to the max. We must not quit- even when life seems to be pushing us down.
We must 'just keep swimming'!
The #summergratitude series was started with the idea that if we focus on what's good, the bad seems further away. I hoped that if I was more grateful, I'd live life a little more fully; appreciating the very gifts I sometimes take for granted.
Hopefully, as the summer is winding down, you (& I ) can take time to remember; to focus on the positive and be left with memories of love.
Surely it's not all roses. Of course it wasn't perfect. Find the silver linings. Celebrate successes (as small as they may be)!
Starting something new? Don't be afraid to swim slow and test out the water. Give your insecurities a break; it will get easier.
Struggling with a relationship? It's okay to put yourself in time-out. Let yourself enjoy some quiet thinking, reflecting on what you love most about the person you are struggling with.
Life getting you down? Sometimes it feels like when your down, someone comes by to give you a kick. But, maybe it's a hand someone is trying give you. When life's nuances get the best of you- find good in the little things that are going right in your life.
Happy Monday to you all. Much love, prayers & support to those struggling (as small or big as the struggles are)! Let's all remember . . .
Just keep swimming . . . just keep swimming . . . just keep swimming . . . just keep swimming!
If you happen to be afloat at this point- throw your life raft to some going under :)
Keep On Swimming
 Once you're afloat 

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

#summergratitude: Is It Bad To Wonder . . .

I know. I know.

The grass isn't always greener on the other side. I must count my blessings. I need to appreciate my life for what it is right at this moment!

I know.

BUT . . . is it bad to sometimes wonder?

My wonders are almost too silly to mention- but, here I go.

I wonder what it would be like to have my house be clean, from top to bottom, ALL at the same time (and for longer than 30 seconds).

I wonder what it would feel like to organize that closet I've been meaning to organize since last year.

I wonder how good it would feel to get caught up on my kids' schoolbooks from the last three years.

I wonder how fun it would be to spend days ordering, sorting and arranging pictures of our family (forget the scrapbooks I used to do- I'm just hoping for the Shutterfly photo drop-in book).

I wonder how great my bathroom would smell and look if I could actually clean it (it's always last on the list and never gets the attention I REALLY want to give it).

The last few days I've been fighting a summer cold. We are currently packing for a vacation up to a lake in Northern Minnesota. And, I think I'm a little out of sorts about going back to work a week after we get back from vacation.

If I take a moment to put that all together, I'm smart enough to realize that my 'I wonders' are coming from a lack of control in other areas in my life.

Even if I had days of uninterrupted time to clean, organize and do family pictures- it wouldn't make me any happier. For a few moments I would feel in control; in charge and proud. But, life would continue and the same things would need to be done all over again in not too long.

So, it is bad to wonder?


The very things that I'm wondering about completing would require that my life wasn't full of kids, toys, crafts, activities, etc. The very things that make my life meaningful would be gone- and then who would I do all those things for anyway?

I must remind my 'control-freak' self that the grass ISN'T greener on that other side. I must make myself count my many blessings. I must take time to appreciate what is good in my life; not focus on the things that are out of my control at this time. I must stop wondering and just start living.

We got a new magnet pad yesterday from my big sister. She told my oldest daughter that it was for 'to-do lists', because everyone has lists. I couldn't agree more! But, for now, I'm going to forget the lists and take my daughter's advice! "Oh Yay! Life!"

Be careful what you wish for
To-Do lists are overrated
Stop wondering & start living!
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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Friday, July 11, 2014

#summergratitude: Let Loose :)

When does our life go from making muscle-man arms for a 'mom photo' to just saying a boring old, "cheese"?

At what point in life do we HAVE to grow up?

Who decides what is appropriate for what age?

Shouldn't life be about letting loose and having fun?

Now, I know that life requires a certain amount of responsibility and 'acting your age'. BUT, should this interfere with the enjoyment and blessings that are offered to us each and every day?

Last night our family ventured off to our last swim meet for the season. Finals ended a little late and our 4:30 dinner had long warn off by the time we were headed home at 9:00.

Our pit stop was anything but healthy. However, it sure was entertaining. And, our family definitely 'let loose'!

McDonald's got quite a show. My husband started belting out the songs playing over the sound system. It's probably a good thing there weren't too many people trying to enjoy a burger.

My son almost looked embarrassed, "DAAAAAAD." He indicated that his father should stop acting like a four-year-old.

My husbands' response was anything but mature. "Oh, am I embarrassing you? You just wait. This is nothing compared to the embarrassment you caused me at the swim meet. I'm just getting started." Then he let off an evil laugh with an obnoxious smirk.

Everyone burst out laughing.

Our meal wasn't the healthiest. Our kids probably should have been in bed. Our behavior was a little over the top. BUT, I have to admit that we let loose, lived a little and loved our time together. A great way to end our night and celebrate some individual success of our children.

At some point we all need to live life in a balance between acting responsibly to complete life 'requirements' and having fun living life joyfully. The difficulty is finding that balance.

Each stage of life has amazing opportunities, yet daunting challenges. As we navigate through life and through the ages, we must help each other find the necessary balance to live an enjoyable life.

Today, let's challenge each other to . . .

Let loose. Laugh (not just a chuckle, but a big old belly laugh). Appreciate small moments. Notice glimmers of hope. Love. Reach out to someone struggling.

Best wishes as you let loose and head into the wonderful weekend. Don't be afraid to get a little silly.

Life requires a certain amount of responsibility,
 but don't forget to
Let Loose!
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.  
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