Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A Reason To Be Extra Kind Today ...

Wednesday, November 13th is National Kindness Day!

Yeah, an actual day devoted to being kind to others. How will you celebrate?

Will you ...

buy a coffee for the car behind you?

share a special treat with someone at work?

write a little note thanking someone for being amazing?

call an old friend you've been missing?

help your spouse with something you never do?

Whatever you do to celebrate the day, know that your kind act will not go unnoticed. While you might not see directly how your kindness will spread, rest assure- it will carry on.

Your kind act could be the start of ginormous wave of goodness. It could be the seed that needed to be planted in order for an amazing flower to grow.

Do something kind today. It doesn't have to be a grand gesture; just something small and meaningful!

Enjoy your day. Know you are loved. Know that when you spread your kindness, your goodness will pass through many!

November 13th! Who knew there was such a thing as National Kindness Day? Now you do and you are responsible to make it great for at least one needed soul!

"Kindness is the language in which the deaf can hear and the blind can see."
-Mark Twain

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