Friday, November 15, 2013

#fridayfolly: Don't 'Crab' Away Your Days!

Once again, my advice for you is to not be like me!

Whatever your reasoning, we have all been at the point that we are just plain crabby. No way around it ... when the crabbiness takes over, we are NO FUN to be with.

Last Saturday, I'm pretty sure that I 'crabbed' away an entire day of my life.

We had a busy few hours right in the middle of the day. We'd be going to watch my oldest play basketball then get her changed and ready to go perform a baton routine. From an over-sized jersey to a barely-there, sparkly dance outfit topped off with too much make-up for an eight-year-old.

The whole family loaded up and began our first adventure. The car ride was anything but fun and my scowl had already been painted on my face for WAY too long. My hubby kept asking, "Are you okay?" It was better for me just not to answer (which added to his irritation with my ridiculous attitude).

My daughter scored her very first basket ... ever! AND I MISSED IT!

I missed it because I was yet again 'crabbing' at my other children; assuming that they should be something other than normal kids.

The missed basket became my ammunition to continue to lash out my pour attitude to any loved one that crossed my path. It wasn't until well after my daughter's baton routine that I realized my day was gone and there was no way to regain the family moments I should have enjoyed.

What was it that turned my day around? What helped me refocus? At around 4:00 pm I called a friend ... she didn't even have to answer. I left her a message stating, "I just had to admit to someone that I was plain awful today and my horrible attitude spoiled more than just my own day." Saying it out loud, admitting that I was being ridiculous, laughing at my pathetic confession to a voice mail- it was just what I needed to turn my day around. I also attended 5:00 pm mass with just my oldest; a true bonus to the day as I actually got to hear mass.

I know I'm not the only one who has crabbed away a day. The question becomes, though, how to avoid these days. Who knows what gets us to that place of no return. I suppose we could blame karma, the universe being against us, raging hormones ... whatever the reason, these days happen and they suck!

This morning I made it to the gym and had my fifteen minutes of peace before wrangling the kids. I thought about my #fridayfolly and I took time to open my daily devotional book. It all went together too perfectly not to share ...

"Approach problems with a light touch. When your mind moves toward a problem area, you tend to focus on the situation so intensely that you lose sight of Me. Your mind gears up for battle and your body becomes tense and anxious. Unless you achieve total victory, you feel defeated. You will always face troubles in life. But more importantly, you will always have Me with you, helping you handle whatever you encounter. Approach problems with a light touch by viewing them in My revealing light."          
 -Devotions for Every Day of the Year by Sarah Young

Since last Saturday, I've tried very hard to avoid my #fridayfolly. In the scheme of life, I've got it pretty darn good. There are millions of people out there facing challenge after challenge and struggle after struggle. Not that we should compare hardships, but it's important for me to recognize that I really don't have anything to complain about. There is absolutely no excuse for me 'crabbing' away one more day of my life!

Here's to your anti-crabbiness this Friday. I'm hopeful that you all will have a wonderful weekend noticing the good and taking the bad in stride. When problems arise, cope with them the best way you can. Whether you call a friend, eat your favorite snack, sneak in some exercise, say a prayer, take a nap or play your favorite video game ... just do what works for you! Crabbiness happens (TO ALL OF US!). Try to be understanding of others in a place of no return and do your best to avoid heading down that path!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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