Tuesday, November 19, 2013

#tuesdaytip: Just Stop!

Well, isn't this little quote the absolute truth?

Why do we fail to just enjoy the here and now? Why are we always looking forward? Why are we always striving for the best? Why not just STOP!

My #tuesdaytip comes from the realization that I all too often look forward and forget that today is more important than tomorrow.

Having four kids is busy. But my life is no busier than anyone else. We all have our 'things' that take over life. We all put more on our plate than we can handle. It's just that we each pile different things on our plates.

Do you stop and take time to talk to others in need? Do you stop and take time to play? Do you relax enough to notice the joys around you in your day? Are you present in the here and now?

I know that I certainly can do a better job at this ... while I pride myself in working hard and maintaining our hectic life, that's not what it's really all about.

Yesterday I was amazed that someone took time to stop and help me. There was no irritation or frustration in the fact that he was busy doing his own thing. He was kind and helpful; most importantly he was present.

Are you present to the people around you? My amazement didn't last long enough to remind me last night to be present to my children. As we were preparing for our night to end, my five-year-old looked at me with confusion in her eyes, "Why are you so upset with us?"

Why was I upset? The kids weren't misbehaving or being overly frustrating ... I was just thinking about all the things I wanted to get done after the kids went to bed. I was so focused on my next task, that I forgot to just enjoy the time I had with them at the end of the day.

I stopped. I checked myself and my emotions. I stopped and I sat down.

We read for a half hour together; the four kiddos all jumbled around with their books they wanted read. It won't be long before they won't want me to read to them. It won't be long before these magical young years are behind us. I have to stop looking forward and thinking about what's next. I have to enjoy the here and now.

Today and in the days that follow, just stop! Tomorrow may not hold all the joys you are seeking. Find joys and blessings in your day today. Stop waiting for it all to be better. Stop searching for the gold at the end of the rainbow and just enjoy the colors that are brightening the sky!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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