Thursday, November 7, 2013

Friday Folly: Don't Wait!

What I really wanted to call this blog was my 'Friday F-Up'! In order to be more appropriate, I will stick to my 'Friday Folly'!

The typical #marriagemonday and #tuesdaytip will continue, but now you can consistently look forward to a #fridayfolly. Every time you read it from now on, you can think of what I REALLY wanted to call it:)

The afternoon was glorious. After carting a two-year-old, a wagon and three scooters to school we set out on our way home. The kids didn't complain about walking (because I carted their scooters) and there were zero fights on the way home ... I HAD to write this down or I would never believe that it actually happened.

We managed to get in a yummy snack and the kids headed downstairs- all four of them. The TV wasn't turned on, yet there was NO fighting. Now mind you, I had the fan on full tilt because the dog puked on the kitchen floor and I somehow managed to burn several inches of our stove top (so maybe I just couldn't hear the fighting)! The smells in our kitchen were atrocious, to say the least ... but that's not the real issue. 

Maybe it was the Patty Loveless CD they had blaring in the basement (we couldn't find the $85 Kidz Bop CD that has about three songs on it ... I am exaggerating, but the CD was a HUGE rip-off)! Maybe it was the fact that my four children haven't been able to get along for more than two minutes since school started in August ...

Whatever the reason, they were joyfully playing in the basement (again, at least from what I could hear). For a good hour and a half I was able to make dinner, do laundry, sort papers- it was magnificent. Several times, I debated, "Do I tell them how much I appreciate how well they are playing?"

Thoughts crossed my mind, "If I tell them, I might ruin a good thing," and "An interruption will only increase the chance for disaster to strike."

So, I waited.

The goodness came to an end as I called them all up for dinner. My hubby had to work late and there was no time to wait- activities continue regardless of dad's schedule. A fight, a major five-year-old tantrum and a mother throwing an adult temper tantrum is how we started our dinner. I instructed two kids to pray on their own and start eating while I tended to the tantrum (my daughter's that is) and wiped the tush of my two-year-old.

Once we all sat down I explained my joy for their playing so nicely. I ranted about how it all got ruined by the start of dinner. I hoped my lecturing would return the 'goodness' of earlier. I'm sure you're all keenly aware of how successful a lecture can be.

Dinner WAS not good. Smirks, laughs, spilled water, spewing food ... my adult temper tantrum returned. I vetoed dessert and got told by my oldest (she's eight), that I should, "Calm down." She encouraged me to take a few deep breaths or go take a break. Seriously? The funny thing about this is that my daughter was giving me darn good advice.

Now I wasn't over the top or out of control, but I was definitely over-reacting.

I waited. Why did I wait for the moment to pass and then drop the ball when good problem-solving could have occurred?

So here it is ... my #fridayfolly advice to you ... DON'T BE LIKE ME:) Don't wait!

Life's never going to be perfect. Amazing moments are never going to last forever. It's okay. Life doesn't have to be perfect. We can make any moment great, IF WE CHOOSE TO! Don't wait to tell someone they are wonderful. Don't wait to thank someone for being amazing. Don't wait to give praise.

Be willing to seek out the good and appreciate it while it's present. When things go wrong, stay calm. Laugh a little, take a few deep breaths and think of the glorious saying, 'This too shall pass!'

Have a fabulous Friday. I hope it's not full of too many folly's (but if it is, just remember you're not alone in your screw-ups and 'it's okay' to need a do-over every once in a while)! 

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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