Thursday, November 28, 2013

An 'It's Okay' Thankful List!

It's time to get real about what parents are really thankful for! So, here it goes. The top 10 things that I will be truly thankful for this Thanksgiving, should they actually happen.

This 2013 Thanksgiving, I'll be thankful if ...

10. I actually get a shower taken.

9. The shower door is opened less than three times with a question, comment or fight occurring.

8. I get to pee in peace.

7. The food gets baked without me raising my voice or threatening to take Thanksgiving away.

6. We get in the car on time without forgetting anything.

5. My children make it more than 10 minutes without fighting.

4. My husband remembers to put the toilet seat down at my in-laws.

3. I get to eat my dinner while it's hot (I'd even settle for luke-warm).

2. We make it through dinner without a spill.

1. My black yoga pants are proper Thanksgiving attire.

What's your top 10? Are you willing to admit it? I know I'm not asking for much:)

Have an amazing day. Remember that it's okay if doesn't turn out perfect and it's okay to feel a little disappointed if things don't go as planned. It's okay if you eat too much and over-indulge a little (I say this because I want to feel okay about myself if I end up eating half of a pumpkin cake)!

Enjoy as much of the day as you can ... forget all the rest.

And remember, it could always be worse- you could be a turkey!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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