Monday, November 25, 2013

#tuesdaytip: Take Time To Be Grateful!

"I choose to appreciate the past for it has made me who I am today, this present moment because I am not guaranteed tomorrow, my future as this is where all my dreams will soon be fulfilled."
-Author Unknown

Thanksgiving is just days away. Preparations, plans, food ... the hustle and bustle will take over and the weekend will fly by. 

For some, this is an amazing time of good food and enjoyable moments with family and friends. For others, the stress of the holiday will overwhelm. 

Tonight as my son and I wound around to road after road (because I am completely geographically challenged!) to deliver turkey dinners to families in need, I found myself caught in a moment. I was struck with a feeling of gratitude for all I have; all the basic needs I am able to meet. 

Gas, food, clothes, shelter, water, heat ... how often do I take these very basic needs for granted? How often have I forgotten to be grateful for the fact that I can provide for my family (on top of the million other things I forget to be thankful for)?

While we can all find things to complain about, it's important to remember that there are so many struggling this time of year. There is struggling because of recent family loss, struggling because there is no extra money to provide for their families, struggling because time away from work or school is full of inconsistencies or disappointments. 

This Tuesday, try to appreciate where you are at in life; crazy moments and all. Take time to reflect on what past events that have made you the amazing person you are today. Look to the future with the hope of what's to come. Be grateful to be present on this 2013 Thanksgiving. 

As the preparation begins, take time to be grateful. Tell people how much they mean to you. Give extra hugs and kisses. Enjoy every moment you are able to ... knowing that tomorrow will be here all too fast with no guarantees. 

Happy Thanksgiving! I'm beyond grateful to be able to write this silly blog and share it with all of you. I once laughed at 'bloggers' and swore I would never be one. One should really never say never. I didn't realize the joy it would bring, the reflection it would possess and the strength it would give me to be better!

As the holiday rush begins, ! Try to appreciate past struggles, present 'it's okay' moments & hope for a better future.

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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