Tuesday, November 12, 2013

#tuesdaytip: Give Appreciation

There are times in life that we feel unrecognized, unimportant and certainly unappreciated.

We start blaming everyone around us for not noticing the amazing things we are doing.

We actually wallow in our own misery; making it all seem so much worse.

Whether we are talking about work, family, spousal relationships, kids, volunteering, friends ... it doesn't really matter the situation. When we get to a place that we are throwing ourselves a 'pity-party', we need to STOP.

This morning as we were trying to rush out the door to get my oldest to a morning meeting, I heard, "MOM" about a million and three times. From finding gloves to tying shoes to wiping butts- you name it. I was apparently the only one they could find to help them!

As I began to get frustrated and throw my own little 'pity-party', I forgot to recognize that one of my children was already in the car. Her bag was packed, her shoes were tied, her coat was zipped, her gloves were on. She was ready. And yet, I was so wrapped up in my own misery at that moment, that I didn't thank her for her amazing work.

When we are so wrapped up in all WE are doing and not getting recognized for, we forget the amazing things happening around us. We actually become the ones not recognizing and appreciating the important work others are doing.

My #tuesdaytip is just this: Give Appreciation (and you will get it back ten-fold)!

Have you heard of the Dipper and the Bucket? It's the philosophy that you are either a 'bucket filler' or a 'bucket dipper'. Every time you notice the good deeds of someone else or do something kind, your bucket actually fills up. On the opposite side though, when you say or do mean and hurtful things, your bucket lessens.

The only person you can control is yourself. You can't make anyone do or say or be something you want them to be. You can't make people recognize or notice your actions!

BUT ... you can fill your own bucket by noticing the amazing acts of others. You can fill your own bucket by recognizing and giving appreciation. You can be the best you can be by helping others in their time of need.

Fill a bucket today. Give praise today. Give appreciation today. Recognize and notice the gifts, talents and good deeds by others.

Have a terrific bucket-filling Tuesday. I guarantee if you spend your day filling, tomorrow your Wednesday will be truly wonderful. And, your own bucket will be over-flowing!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
Visit www.itsokaybooks.com to learn more!
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