Sunday, December 1, 2013

#marriagemonday: Being Critical Can Be A Killer!

Thanksgiving has come and gone ... check that holiday off and start preparing for the next one! Right? 
Boom, boom, boom. Busy, busy, busy. Move, move, move. No rest for the weary!

Wait a minute. Slow down. Take time to appreciate the weekend you just had. I'm sure it wasn't perfect, but surely there are moments of family bliss you can pick out!

Our four-day weekend was a complete blur. We had amazing moments with friends and family. Our schedule was jam-packed. It's time now to slow down and reflect on the relationships that matter the most this holiday season, especially the relationships with our spouses. 

As I was scrolling through my inbox on Saturday, I came across the following quote from The ScreamFree Institutes Tip of the Day. 

"Children have more need of models than of critics."
-Carolyn Coats, U.S. author

The other night as we were preparing to host an extended family Christmas party, my husband and children came in to say hello (my hubby was the most help when he was keeping the children FAR away from the party prep)! My aunt made a comment that had me giggling, "Well, it looks like your five kids finally arrived!" Please note: I only have four children and one husband (who loves life enough to act like a child at times!).

Now, I'm not saying that my husband is like one of my children (at least that's not the point of this particular blog post- ha), but that comment in conjunction with the quote above, reminded me of my critical attitude that too often surfaces in our house. 

Whether we are talking about kids or spouses or extended family or friends, it seems that too often we become critical rather than supportive.  I'm not sure why I nit-pick at my husband and children or why I get worked up over such stupid things ... but, I do (especially when the stress of holidays are present).
I promised almost ten years ago to cherish, honor and love my spouse until death do us part. I didn't promise to notice everything he does that drives me batty or promise to criticize him to the point of defeat. My job is not to 'raise' him. It's to love him- all of him. That includes the good, the bad and the downright ugly!

We all have our ugliness. We all have our failures, limitations and challenges. None of us are above making millions of mistakes. None of us- EVEN our spouses. 

As this holiday season continues down the road and the hustle and bustle continues to consume the world around you, try not to let it take you over. When things get tough, don't take it out on your spouse. This time of year does crazy things to people, but you don't have to let the craziness cause chaos in your marriage.

The road to life is a never ending winding trail of opportunities. If your spouse happens to notice a turn along the way that might not be the turn you would take- don't shoot down a road to a new chance. Try not to criticize and dampen a dream (even the smallest dreams can be life changers). Listen to the ideas your spouse has to offer. Be a model of love. 

 Happy holiday craze! This  remember to be a model of love.   Your spouse matters most today & always!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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