Sunday, December 15, 2013

#marriagemonday: Be Kind To Your Spouse

It's Monday yet again! A day to think about and focus on our marriages. Hip hip hooray for Marriage Monday!

How is your marriage going today? Was the weekend a wonderful one with your spouse?

It's funny how sometimes things are going so well in our marriage that we forget what it's like to be struggling. And, then, when the struggling hits (as rare as it may be), it seems to consume how we view our marriage is going.

Marriage. What does it mean to you? How would you define your marriage?

Love. Laughter. Friendship. Trust. Care. Compassion. Constant. Strong. Sincere. Tender.

What words would you use? Take a moment to list your top ten. Then share it with your spouse and see what their top ten words would be to define your marriage. 

The quote listed with the picture above was too fitting not to share. Love is what brings a marriage together; friendship seems to be what makes it last. However, the kindness in the middle is what makes the marriage meaningful and memorable.

We vowed to love our spouses until death do us part. We promised to be true to them in good times and in bad.

Marriage will not be easy. Marriage will not be all fun and games. BUT, your marriage will be worth every effort you put into it until the end! Your marriage will be as amazing as you let it be. Your kindness can make your years less monotonous and more meaningful and memorable.

This Monday, be extra kind to your spouse. Think about what your marriage means to you. Make your top ten words that define what you and your spouse have created. Take a day to basque in the goodness of your success! After all, if you're celebrating #marriagemonday, you're still celebrating a marriage (and that's something to be proud of)!

 'Til death do you part is a long time away- might as well enjoy it! Love him. 
Laugh w/ him. Be a true friend to him. Be extra kind to him. 

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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