Thursday, December 12, 2013

#fridayfolly: They Sound JUST Like ME!

"Children are natural mimics. They act like their parents in spite of every attempt to teach them good manners."
-Author Unknown

This week has been particularly LOUD in our house. And it seems that everyone in our family (with the exception of my husband ... I know this is surprising!) is living on edge.  

Mean comments, rude remarks, unnecessary bumps, smirks at mistakes ... the list is endless of the cruel acts that are happening all around me. And they are on purpose!

It's not that we are completely out of control, it just seems that like every other aspect of life, there are good weeks and bad weeks. This week is just unfortunately one I can chalk up to 'bad'!

The worst part of it all ... they sound JUST like ME! Yikes. Double yikes. 

Those of you who know me, know that I am a good person. I'm not mean or deceitful, spiteful or vindictive. Yet, I have to wonder about myself when I hear my children talking to each other the way that they do. 

I know, kids will be kids. The things my brother and I did to one another are unheard of. I think the topper was the time I threw a knife at him. This sounds WAY worse than it really was and I fortunately had horrible aim. It certainly fueled his fire and my brother laughed at me for my horrendous efforts. 

Hopefully my children are learning from my interactions with others, rather than just my interactions with them. I think it's mostly my tone and my awful looks. Those are two minor adjustments I need to make (among many others)!

Maybe we can chalk it up to the hustle and bustle of the holiday. Maybe we're still catching up after a busy Thanksgiving. Maybe it's hormones. Maybe it's being cooped up in the house from the bitter cold. 

Truthfully, it doesn't matter why we've been so awful to one another ... it's just time to stop!

So, tomorrow I have a plan. We are going to read How Full Is Your Bucket for Kids. It's all about how every action we take either adds drops to someones bucket or dips out of it. The fuller our buckets, the happier we are. And, the joy of it all- if you're buckets on empty, being kind to others will not only fill their bucket, but it will fill yours too. 

Maybe I'll get really creative and put a bucket on the counter. Maybe I will win 'Mom of the Moment' by putting marbles in the bucket every time someone is nice. 

This little strategy will work for about a day. And, then, I'll somehow forget or screw it up. Hopefully, though, in the meantime, our actions will be filled with good. We just need a fresh start. We just need a do-over. We just need a new week!

Have an amazing weekend. My hope is that the holiday craze hasn't taken you over like it has me. I'm on the mend and ready to bring back the patience and kind words that are needed. I'm aware that my little people are acting just like me. My eyes and ears don't like the picture of 'me' that I've been getting. 

Good luck to you all. Happy holidays to you all. This season is magical! Remember that (I know I need to)!

Oh no!  Despite my best efforts to create perfect little people, 
they are ending up just like me.

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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