Friday, December 6, 2013

There ARE Good People In The World!


There really are good people still in the
world ...

This morning as I was shopping at Target, I was high on life. Well, really I was ecstatic because I was completely out of creamer at my house. Thus causing me to HAVE to purchase a coffee.

White chocolate mocha with whip cream on top! What could possibly be better on this bitterly cold morning?

My two-year-old and I were having a jolly old time. She is #4, so she gets to rule the roost. She roams around while I shop. She sings and dances. These are things that #1, #2, and #3 get in trouble for, but again, the baby gets to just 'be'!

She was dying to try my coffee. It was too hot at first, so I was letting it cool. I know, I know ... yes, my two-year-old drinks coffee. She also drinks caffeinated pop, gets to eat WAY too much candy and gets to wear whatever the hell she wants. No judgment.

I was searching for something in the baking isle, and not paying attention to my little angel. She went for the coffee all on her own. It was in a side cart drink holder. When she pulled the coffee, the whole thing came off and the ENTIRE coffee was spilled across the middle of the isle.

Did I mention that we were waiting for it to cool ... so it was completely full? Did I  mention that it was the most delicious cup of coffee I had had in months (or was about to have)? Did I mention that it was the largest possible coffee you can purchase? Did I mention that I dropped over $5.00 for the damn thing?

My little lady felt horrible. She said over and over that she was sorry and, "No didn't mean to."

I grabbed the closest employee and apologized profusely. He was so kind. He called for reinforcements right away and assured me it was no problem (though not before I saw his face ... you know the one that says, "Oh my, that's a LOT of coffee I have to clean up."). He was even very gentle with my two-year-old saying that it was not a big deal.

I let my daughter know that I was not happy. This was very difficult because she felt so darn bad. Her quivering lip and crocodile tears made me want to scoop her up and say that it was no big deal. I stayed strong (so maybe I could teach her a lesson- since she misses out on so many being the youngest).

Several isles later, the kind gentleman found me again and offered me a new coffee. He said that the coffee shop would be ready for my order whenever I had a chance.

WOW. Wow, wow, wow.

I SOOOOO wanted to go buy another coffee, but my pride and pocket book had prevented it.

The woman at the coffee shop was overly generous. She said she was the one who suggested the new coffee, knowing that spilling that delight would be such a downer.

There ARE good people in the world. Small gestures CAN make a person's day amazing.

Thank you, Target. Thank you, Mercy ... you're name is so fitting for how you saved my morning!

Have an amazing weekend. Do something kind for someone in the next two days. Make someone's day great and remind them that our world really is good!  

I didn't have to cry over spilled coffee- Thank you, Target for making my morning so great!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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