Thursday, December 26, 2013

#fridayfolly: It DOES Look Like Poop!

Ten years ago today I said, "I do!" I started down a wide open road with endless possibilities and along side of me, was a humorous, fun-loving, downright good man!

Four kids, three dogs and six fish later ... we get to celebrate 10 years of greatness (and lots of chaos!).

This holiday break has been filled with household projects. We've been in our home almost nine years now and it needs a major makeover. The house has definitely been lived in and loved to the point of smudges, dents and little peoples names written all over it.

Our latest project was repainting our bedroom. My husband and I are very boring when it comes to color in the house- this most recent happening proves why we should stick to the basic tan paint color.

I wanted to be exciting; to do something different. As we looked at paint colors, my husband warned me that going with a gold or mustard color is dangerous, "Those colors will turn out looking like poop!"

He let me pick the color. He didn't remind me of his original thoughts of bowel colored paint. He just let me do what I wanted ... after all these years, you'd think he would have put up more of a fight (or maybe I've just warn him down too much; trained him too well).

We opened the paint can Thursday morning. There, in front of me, was the color of a newborn baby's poo. You know those chunky, mustard-like squirts that line the tiny diapers ... well, that was the color that was being stirred and prepped for OUR bedroom.

It DID NOT look like the little drop on the outside of the can and it certainly DID NOT look like the swatch of color I picked. My husband couldn't have been more supportive.

"Let's get it on the walls and let it dry. It will be fine." He could have very easily said, "I told you so ...," but he didn't.

As we began our painting ritual (him rolling and me cutting in), I was extremely nervous. He continued to say things that made me believe it would be okay. He even commented, "I think we are going to like this!" The comment that had us both rolling, "Hey, it's been almost a year that we haven't changed a poopie diaper. This will keep the memory close to our hearts!"

In comes child #2! "Wow, what color IS that? It looks just like poop." He proceeded to grab his sisters and have them parade around the room chanting about how our room looked like poop.

When it was all said and done, the room looked pretty darn good. It dried to be somewhat of the color I was hoping for; even matching the pillow color I was trying to capture (another limitation of mine ... home decor).

After nap-time, child #4 walked in and proclaimed, "I really like your walls, mommy. You did a nice job. That orange looks really good!"

Poop-colored, orange, gold ... who's really counting? The thing that sticks out most in our latest project is my hubby's supportive and loving nature. We worked side by side all day- laughing, bantering and just enjoying the life we've created together.

Screw the color. Forget my #fridayfolly! In the end, what matters is love.

Happy 10th Anniversary, my dear. Thanks for putting up with all my 'it's okay' moments. Thanks for loving me despite my flaws. Thanks for not rubbing the million mistakes in my face. My life is complete because you are in it!

He could've said, "I told you so!" but instead just showed support & love.

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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