Monday, December 23, 2013

#marriagemonday: Our Loved Ones Make It Worth While!

The other day I wondered for a second what I would do if I lost my spouse. I don't know where it came from or why it consumed my thoughts; but it was extremely overwhelming.

Holidays are a time to be with loved ones; to make memories with those who mean the most to us.

When I was lost in the terrible thought the other day, it struck me that there are millions of people who will have to make it through this holiday without a loved one.

While our spouse is our rock and our one and only, he/she is just one piece to the puzzle of life. If we are lucky enough to not only have a spouse, but also have our loved ones healthy and by our side, we must take a second to be grateful.

Life has amazing possibilities because of the people in it!

Those who have impacted us and touched our lives will never be forgotten.

As we approach our Merry Christmas, let us all feel blessed for the loved ones that are present. Let us all take a moment to remember those we have lost. Let us not forget its the people that make Christmas so Merry!

Whatever your situation this holiday, my thoughts are with you! My hope is that you have people around you to help you celebrate this magical time of year.

May your Christmas day be Merry and Bright! May your day be filled with joy, love and peace. May you recognize the people around you who make your life amazing. May you remember those who are no longer with you to celebrate, but who left you a more fantastic person with wonderful memories.

Merry Christmas!

 This merry holiday recognize the people who make 
you more amazing now & remember those who are gone, 
but left you a more fantastic person!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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