Tuesday, December 3, 2013

#tuesdaytip: Be Happy, Healthy and Successful!

Are you happy?

Are you healthy?

Do you feel successful?

The problem with these three parts of our lives is that they will look very different for each of us. And, no matter how it looks to others, the only one it matters to ... is YOU!

We each define these things in our own way. A few months ago, I came across a list of the 25 Habits of People Who Are Happy, Healthy and Successful. This list covers the essentials to living a fulfilling life. Each of the 25 things make you think about where you are at personally, professionally and with regard for your health.

While it's important to see the list in its entirety, it's also critical to know your limits. You must know yourself and your capabilities. You have to understand your strengths, your limitations and your life situation.

So, go for it. Try for the 25. BUT, first start with just three. Answer the following three questions and decide where your list would start. Make some adjustments in your life and allow those minor adjustments to become habit. Only then, can you add more to your list!

1. What makes you happy?
     While there may be many things in your life that create happiness for you, pick the main thing. Is it when you get to spend time with certain individuals? Is it when your house is immaculate? Is it when you get a good work-out in? Is it when you have regular date nights with your spouse? Is it when you take time for yourself to spend time on your hobby?
     Don't try to accomplish ALL these things- pick just one to focus on. Put it as your number one and relish in the moments when you get have this as a consistent piece of your life.

2. What part of your health needs work?
     There's no doubt that each of us have several things we can 'fix' in regards to our health. Our nation is known for the unhealthiness that exists and there's junk all around us that gets in the way of living a healthy life. Again, pick just one thing you can do to better your health. Maybe it's working out three days a week. Maybe you need to incorporate more vegetables in your diet. Maybe you need to avoid the candy jar at work.
     You can't completely change your health habits all at once. Pick just one area to focus on and work it into the lifestyle you have. Make it routine. Make it be part of the norm before you tackle every area that needs fixing!

3. When do feel most successful?
     Success is such a broad term. It covers home, work, relationships ... the list is endless. The part you have to figure out is when and where your success happens. Some of us might feel success when we get out the door without a major temper tantrum, while others may find success from landing a multimillion dollar deal at work. Neither of these things is necessarily better or more than the other- it's up to you to define your own success.
     When you figure out the when and where of your success, GO FOR IT! Put the pieces in place to make it happen. Don't beat yourself up if failures crept into the middle of your success. Don't give up when things get tough. Focus on you and what's needed to make it happen. Try not to worry about how others define your success- after all, you have to do that for yourself!

Start small. Life is hard. Life is really hard. Just the basics are too much sometimes.

When the dishes and laundry and crap pile up, when a conflict with a friend or coworker bubbles up, when you feel overwhelmed with ALL that needs to happen in order to live ... remember that you are not alone. Remember that you are human (just like everyone else)!

Stop looking at others and wishing for what they have. Look in the mirror and take the minor steps needed to make your life happy, healthy and successful. You can do it. Believe in yourself and your capabilities. Know your limitations and struggles. Don't be afraid to fail.

In the end- it's love that matters most. Surrounding yourself by individuals that love and care for you will be the means to make your #1, #2, and #3 happen.

Have a terrific Tuesday!

Do you feel happy, healthy & successful? If not, tackle 1 thing at a time. 
Make minor adjustments, find people to help & love you for you! 

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
Visit www.itsokaybooks.com to learn more!
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