Sunday, December 8, 2013

#marriagemonday: Be There!

These two love-penguins couldn't be cuter!

Marriage, though, is not as this picture depicts. It's not all lovey and holding hands. It's not perfect and picturesque.

Marriage is hard work. Marriage will have its good days and its bad days. There will be ups and there will be many, many downs.

BUT, the amazing thing about marriage is that you have that person you promised to love TIL YOUR DEATH. He will be beside you. She will be there for you. Good times and bad- your spouse will be your rock.

Don't forget to lean on that rock. Don't be afraid to take a break and hold that rock close to your heart. When you need someone most- use your spouse for support.

Good friends are critical. Family is a must. But, your spouse should be that ONE person that knows you inside and out, and loves you anyway.

I was reminded this weekend how well my spouse knows me. I was surprised, yet again, that he can love me despite my craziness and sensitivity. I am lucky to report that he was THERE for me.

This isn't to say that he isn't always there for me, but in those small, hard moments of life, we must take time to soak in the goodness of the person we married. We must thank our significant other for not packing up and heading north when things get a little sticky.

Take time to thank your spouse today. Take an extra moment to BE THERE! Little moments make lasting, life-long memories. Whether it's been a day or thousands of days that you and your spouse have beat the divorcing odds, be proud for being there.

is here once again to remind us: take care of the one you vowed to love til death.

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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