Monday, December 16, 2013

#tuesdaytip: Stop and Listen!

"The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them."   — Ralph Nichols

The ability to really listen is a true art form. It isn't something that comes natural to everyone. And it certainly is NOT easy! But still, everyone has moments they just want to be heard.


Good listening 101:

1. Put your phone down

2. Make eye contact 
3. Put your phone down

4. Stay quiet 

5. Put your phone down

6. Don't fidget or constantly look at the clock

7. Put your phone down

8. Show understanding and empathy (nod in agreement at the appropriate times)

9. Put your phone down

10. Respond with follow-up questions or caring comments

Easy enough! Right? 


Life moves at a pace that is not normal. Taking time to really listen takes time away from the million and 12 things you have to do. 

However, those million and 12 things can always wait. Our technology-driven, rat-race living world that we are living in- is not what life is really all about. 

People. People. People. 

We must take care of the people around us (including the little people that drive us batty sometimes). 

This Tuesday and the many Tuesdays to follow, take time to stop and listen. As our family struggles through a fighting-funk (this is when no one can get along for more than two seconds), I'm reminded of the importance to stop and listen. 

My seven-year-old son came down the steps Sunday night after bedtime. I immediately jumped down his throat about being out of bed. My husband stopped. He listened to what my son had to say. He was able to understand my son and his needs. 

"I was just going to offer to rub my sister's back since you two are busy and haven't come up yet. She is really upset."

We all want to be understood. And the only way to understand, is to listen. 

While our house has been a little out of sorts, my son wanted to do a kind and generous act. He was truly only trying to help. And, I was too consumed with my own 'after bed' agenda to stop and listen. It's a blessing my husband rescued the moment.

Thank goodness for people who stop to listen and care. Be that person for others! 

Rush, rush, rush-busy, busy, busy. 
Time to stop! Time to listen! 
Time to understand those who need to be understood. 
Don't just hear

  Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) 
and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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