Thursday, December 5, 2013

#fridayfolly: Elf Schmelf

With Thanksgiving so late this year, Christmas seems like it is right around the corner. It feels as though it will be here tomorrow.

What, then, is my folly? These things are facts. What could have gone wrong just days into the Christmas season?

Who the hell came up with the Elf on the Shelf? And, what are all these 'rules' that I am supposed to follow? Once again, I jacked up what could have/should have been a perfectly good tradition (some of you might remember my Tooth Fairy drama ... it still continues as well!).

Last year, I looked into buying an Elf on the Shelf (technically it had been on my radar for the last three years ... who's counting). When I went to get it at one store, they were out. Another store didn't carry them at all. Finally, I found a store with the famous Elf on the Shelf. Did I buy it? NOPE. I decided that spending over $30 on a silly stuffed elf was not worth the money ... I could come up with my own Elf.

Go ahead- say it. "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU SO CHEAP?"

I ask myself this very question over and over.

So, our Christmas Little People display had an elf. Perfect. It would do. It would be wonderful.

The kids went for it. They embraced their 'different looking' elf. They named him Freddie. They loved him. There was only one problem ... Mom.

Because I created our own Elf on the Shelf, I didn't have any book or directions. I relied on the kids to be my experts. I went with it, as if they were telling me what I already knew.

Elf was put away (or he went back to the North Pole) after Christmas last year. He was to 'reappear' on December 1st. There was my first folly. I couldn't find him.

December 2nd, Freddie appeared with some sticky notes mocking the children for not finding him the first day he was in the house. They got a good giggle and Freddie was alive and well yet again (better late than never).

My second folly happened on December 4th. I forgot to move Freddie. I lied (I can't keep up with all my lies anymore) and said it was my fault; that me and their dad stayed up WAY too late. Never mind that this was the first night in a while that we actually went to be early!

My third folly happened in the evening on the 4th. I was trying to make up for not moving him, so he 'moved' while we were all downstairs playing. The older children were VERY skeptical about this, but the five-year-old seemed appeased.

Folly #4 happened on the morning of the 5th (I know you are wondering how someone can screw up this elf thing ... just leave it to this 'Mom of the Year'). I had put Freddie in our little tree on the table. I was so excited at where he was hiding and just knew the kids would love it.

My son yelled at me on this said morning, "Mom, come quick. Come look at Freddie."

There, in the middle of the table, was Freddie. He was face down and not anywhere near the tree.

"Oh, geez. Maybe he was in the tree and Buddy (our obnoxious dog) knocked onto the table?" To be honest, I had NO idea what had happened. That seemed like a logical excuse.

As we were eating breakfast, the children went back and forth about what to do about Freddie. My son was sure that I was able to touch him without him losing his magic since I am an adult. I would have known if this was the case had I actually not been a cheap ass and read the book.

I used a bracelet to 'lift' him back into the tree. All was right in the world and Freddie could breath once more.

I suck at traditions. I'm even worse at lying. Poor Freddie. Elf Schmelf!

Have a fabulous Friday. I hope your week wasn't full of as many follies as mine. If it was, just remember, 'It's Okay.' It's okay to do the best darn job you can and make up with rest with love and care (and a few lies here and there).

Elf Schmelf! Freddie the Elf has the dullest Mom in the world! I must remember ... it's okay to suck at traditions.

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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