Tuesday, December 10, 2013

#tuesdaytip: Just Let Them Be:)

 As I was considering my #tuesdaytip and looking for a 'fitting' picture, I came across the lyrics to Billy Dean's Let Them Be Little. The timing couldn't have been better and the message couldn't have been more fitting ...

"So, let them be little 'cause they're only that way for awhile
Give them hope, give them praise, give them love every day
Let them cry, let them giggle, let them sleep in the middle
Oh, but let them be little."

There are many moments in my mom world that I am a complete fun-hater. It's not that I want to be, but it seems as though time is running out- they are growing up and they won't have learned everything they need to learn in order to be successful. 

Gag! Give it up, woman!

I want control. I want them to do what I want. I want them to be little adults. BUT THEY ARE NOT! Just let them be for goodness sakes. 

Last night, I was so very proud of my irritated and annoyed self. The kids wanted to play games and I really wanted to watch The Voice. 

Let me digress a moment ... I like to watch four, yes only FOUR, TV shows every week. The Voice, Grey's Anatomy, Castle and Scandal. Go on, add up that time. Four measly hours of TV for the WHOLE week. You all already know how darn cheap I am (I mean look at my Little People Elf on the Shelf) and so a DVR does not exist in our household. I'm not asking for much- I just want to watch my darn shows.

Okay, back to the games and The Voice. The kids got all set up to play UNO. I had my oldest at dance and my youngest busy watching with me. The seven-year-old and the five-year-old were attempting to play a game together. Games and these two children do not mix well.

There were so many moments I wanted to jump out of my comfortable chair, rip the cards off the table, toss them in the game bin and tell them, "That's it, you're done!"

BUT, I didn't. Yeah me. I let them suffer through an hour of playing. They had some rocky and rough moments, but they worked it out. I actually just let them be. I kept my irritated and annoyed self glued to the chair and only offered a few kind comments (please know these are NOT the things I really wanted to say).

"Make sure you're using nice words," and "Check your tone."

I struggle to let my kids be little. I often forget that they will only be these ages once. My #tuesdaytip is yet again more for me than it is for you!

It's okay that I struggle and forget, as long as I recognize that my children are going to grown and gone before I know it. If I don't stop and relax and enjoy a little more ... I'm going to look back on these years with regret. 

Billy Dean had some amazing lyrics that touched my heart. My kids are going to grow into amazing adults some day- if I just let them be little now!

This week, let's work to let our kids be little (even if they are big). Let's work to give them the space and time they need to figure things out. Let's not take away the teachable moments that will only exist if we let them be.

Kids will only be little so long- as parents, we need to just let them be!
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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