I thought it would be funny to begin my 'feeling old' blog by using letters that are intended for young, hip people to use (which I obviously am not-ha).
I definitely feel as though my 'stuff' has strutted off without me. I know I am not OLD, I'm just at a place where I've recognized I'm no longer young. And, it's a little disheartening to say the least.
When I began the 'it's okay' journey, my hope was to write about parenting, marriage and getting old. I feel that these three topics are hard to be completely real or authentic about. I've spent a lot of time on parenting and marriage, but, for today, let's get real about this thing called getting old!
My title, I Feel Fat, Ugly & Old, is a completely honest statement about how I felt this week. I know that I'm NOT these things (well, I kind of, sort of know), but I'm trying to be transparent about the fact that I've recognized some things about myself: I no longer have a body that bounces back; I no longer have skin that just takes care of itself; I am no longer 'just out of college'!
As we grow older, it's important to recognize that our spirit stays young. When we actually realize that our appearances or abilities have changed, there is a sense of loss. It's natural for us to grieve the person we once were; it's normal to wish we could do what we once took for granted.
Medical conditions. Insufficient bladders. Wrinkles. Joint Pain. Adult acne. Scars.
Do I dare go on?
Getting old is hard- just like life. While it's awesome that our knowledge grows and we become wiser in our years of experience, it also sucks that we recognize our limitations. And, let's be honest ... there's a lot of embarrassing things that happen to us as we get old. It's not easy to get 'real' about things we are ashamed to admit.
Obviously my title does not exhibit the positive self-talk that I should be using, but it allows us to examine the struggles we all have with our appearance and our age. Attitude is everything, but sometimes the changes happening to us (out of our control) are hard to accept.
Wacky hormones. Slowed metabolism. Gray hair or thinning hair. Droopy skin. Weird smells. Abnormal spots. OLD MAN FARTS (obviously, this is NOT mine)!!!!!
There is a fine line between complaining and being honest about our thoughts and feelings. I've recognized that all of a sudden I look older than I thought, can't eat the same things I used to eat (and stay the same size), and have to put in a little more effort to getting ready. These things are reality- but if I'm going to put in effort to complain about them, I also need to put in the effort to accept them or change them.
Spring is here. New growth is about to happen all around us. Budding trees, blooming flowers, growing grass ... a new beginning.
I hope to take this opportunity to have a new beginning myself. Without completely rocking my world, it's realistic for me to workout a little more and eat a little less. It's okay to admit (and start using) some wrinkle and eye cream in hopes to trick myself into looking younger. And, certainly, it's critical for me to appreciate the blessings my age has brought me, rather than thinking of it as a curse.
This weekend, my hope is that you find a renewed beginning. Think young thoughts. Recognize your years and years of blessings. Set small goals to ensure your 'stuff' isn't strutting off without you!
Life goes by. It sucks to wake up & realize #youarentyounganymore
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'.
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