Saturday, March 8, 2014

#fridayfolly: I Blinked!

Obviously my first folly is that I'm late on my #fridayfolly and last week I missed it all together! :)

The last few weeks, well months really, have been a little bit of a blur; flying by in almost a blink. I remember thinking that March was so far off and now it is well underway. 

As I look back, I think I appreciated many moments (in between moments of madness and chaos!). We had lots of successes; family dinners, kids' events, Friday movie nights, positive school conference comments, a few game nights, chats about good days, singing contests, family dance-offs ... even lots of loving, hugging and giggling moments. 

When I brainstorm all the times of appreciation, the things that DON'T come to mind: the sporadic times when the house was clean, the few instances when the laundry was all washed and put away, the success of planning logistics for over 15 events in one week, etc. These things didn't come to mind, yet these were the very things that I know spoiled my enjoyment of the moments that REALLY mattered. 

Life is certainly a rat race. There is no way around the fact that there will always be more to do than there is time to get it done. We can't live our weeks waiting for the weekend and then live our weekends dreading the preparation needed to go back to work. 

I realized the other day that I blinked. I let the last few months happen with too much wait, too much dread and not enough appreciation. 

Last year when I was home full-time, I made a conscious effort to do less. And, in doing less, I actually appreciated more. I remember some days being VERY long and some weeks taking FOREVER. But, the slowed pace actually allowed me to remember more. It gave me more opportunities for loving, memorable moments. 

Sometimes we can't remove events or obligations. Sometimes the pace of life is out of our control. When this happens, we get to choose how quickly we live our weeks. We can choose to slow our thinking down. We can choose to live life with joy and appreciation, rather than wait and dread. 

Spring break officially starts today for myself and my kids. There are a million things I'd like to get done. But, I don't want to blink and have this week pass me by. Rather than rushing to complete tasks that won't mean anything next month, I'm going to strive to appreciate as many moments as possible. 

When my kids are driving me crazy and my house looks like a tornado just blew through, I'm going to reread this darn blog and try to remember that if I blink too long, my kids are going to be grown and gone. 

Lent started last Wednesday. I chose to lay in bed with my son for a few minutes when he asked (too often I tell him I have too much to do ...) and he told me about his idea for what all the kids should do. "Mom, I think we should all try to be nicer to one another and do nice things for each other." Here! Here!

So, my folly (not just for this week- but the last few months) is that I have taken for granted the very things that bring me the most joy. It wasn't all the time, but there were moments I spoiled with my very own overwhelmed self. 

Each week brings us a fresh new start. Let's work together; let's remind one another what life is really all about. I'm going to strive to complete only the necessary life tasks, and use the rest of my time appreciating the moments. 

Spring is almost here- time for me to grow with the added sunlight, warmer weather and blooming nature. 

Careful not to blink- moments of appreciation will pass u by 
 Don't let life's obstacles interfere with joy & wonder
Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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