Sunday, March 9, 2014

#marriagemonday: Do You Both Believe?

This quote by Marilyn Monroe definitely says it all!

Do you and your spouse both believe that everything happens for a reason? Do you look back and find that all the stars aligned just perfectly so that you two could end up together?

My husband is involved in a local bass club ... yes, BASS club. He is a fisher. And a darn good one.

Saturday night we ventured off to his yearly Bass Club banquet. It's unfortunate that we had to go there right from my daughter's basketball game where I had to be dressed like a coach. I suppose after all these years of marriage, it's lucky that it doesn't matter WHAT I wear, only that we get occasional time together alone.

As we were chitchatting before dinner, the concept of high school sweethearts popped up. We were asked if that was how we met. I chuckled and stated pretty plainly that we met at our first job. A man then kindly inquired, "So what's the story?"

I was ready to blow the question off, but found myself wanting to share some tidbits of our love story.

What's your love story? How did you and your spouse meet? Who pursued who?

I've wondered more than once if the events that led up to my first job were different, if I would have ever had the opportunity to meet my better half. It seems that the cards weren't in my favor, and yet, it all happened for a reason.

I went to a college I couldn't afford. Then studied abroad when I had never left the country. Coming back, I wanted nothing more than to change the world. I chose to student teach at a school in a low income area. And then- I didn't apply or pursue any other school or district but that one. It was there that it all happened!

My spouse and I are firm believers that everything happens for a reason. No matter what deck we are dealt, if we stick together, somehow we will end up better than we were before.

This #marriagemonday, I hope your marriage is stacked with a strong deck of cards; with many in your favor. And, if you happen to draw a low card or one that throws off your stack, I hope that the strength of your marriage can make up the difference.

Whatever is happening in your world, try to move through it together; as a unit. We are certainly more powerful together than we are alone. Believe in one another. Believe in your bond. Believe in the marriage you created!

How are things in your married world? 
Is life throwing curve balls? 
Are you leaning on your better half for support? 

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
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