Tuesday, March 4, 2014

#tuesdaytip: Let It Go!

As I was driving my little lady to daycare this morning, my #tuesdaytip sang its way into my heart!

For those of you that have not been fortunate enough to see the move 'Frozen' ... you MUST; you absolutely MUST. It's got a fabulous story line and even better music.

My two-year-old is in love with the main song, Let It Go (click here to listen). She asked this morning to listen to it on my phone in the car (and secretly, I really wanted to listen to it, too!). So I pulled up the YouTube video for about the thousandth time this month.

As the song blared from the backseat, it dawned on me how meaningful and heartfelt the words are for not only the movie, but for life.

Now, I know we are not living in a fairytale, with magical powers we have to keep hidden in order to reign over our kingdoms ... BUT, we do hold in valuable parts of ourselves in order to preserve what others think of us. Almost like living a lie or not telling the whole truth; afraid of what others would think of us if they REALLY knew.

We all face struggles. Each of us has our own issues. Our limitations will continue to challenge us.

Why do we try to cover for all of our flaws? What if we just got 'real' about who we REALLY are- bad parts and all?

Sure there will be judgment. Of course, others might think less of us. But, shame on them for their thoughts and shame on us for not being okay with who we really are.

We belted out the lyrics together this morning. And my mind raced with a few of my errors this week. I smiled as I heard the exact words I needed to hear, "Let it go!"

For today; for this Tuesday, try to let it go.

Let go of fears holding you back from sharing the 'real' you.
Let go of past failures standing in the way of future successes.
Let go of mistakes weighing on your mind.
Let go of the idea that you can be anything but YOU!

Let it go :)

It's time to let it go-we cannot  
We must strive to just  
Learn from your past & embrace your present journey!

Enjoy the journey you have been blessed with, love the people in your life, smile :) and remember, 'It's Okay'. 
Visit www.itsokaybooks.com to learn more!
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