Wednesday, March 19, 2014

#throwbackthursday: YOU Make an Impact!

It's time to #throwback to last year around this time. Last March I was focusing on the Points to Ponder section at the beginning of my book, It's Okay: Let's Get Real About This Thing We Call Parenting (  I was trying to figure out (and still am) where this 'author' adventure will take me.

Point #8 is incredibly important for us all to remember: You Can Be a Powerful Force.

Do you believe you are valuable? Do you know how you make a difference? Do you see the impact you make in this world?

If you answered, "No" to any of those questions, it's time for you recognize your importance and special place on this earth. You ARE valuable. You DO make a difference. You IMPACT this world every day you get out of bed!

Enjoy my thoughts from last year ...

Thursday, March 28th, 2013

You Can Be A Powerful Force

Points to Ponder #8- You can be a powerful force

We sometimes feel so small and insignificant.  We can easily talk ourselves into believing that we don't make a difference.  The things that rattle around in our brain can cause us to think we are not important to others.  Things like, "No one will notice if I'm not there," or "Why should I even go, they don't need me?"

We make excuse after excuse about how we are not worthy, how others can do it better and how our life isn't as important as others.

STOP!  You are important.  You DO make a difference.

Every where you go, every person you see, every job you do ... it can and should be meaningful.  Even just a trip to the grocery story can impact a handful of people. Your smile or kind words might be the only thing a person needed to turn his/her day around. Your kind gesture could cause a ripple effect of random acts of kindness all over your city.

You and you alone, need to decide that you DO make a difference; that your presence IS needed.

It is unbelievable how much power we have as people.  We can light someone up like a firecracker going off.  We can make someone feel on top of the world.  BUT, we can also blow out the only dim light that may have been present in a soul.  While we need to believe that we are important and can make a difference, we also have to realize that our difference may not be a good one. We have to use our power carefully.

Last week, I was helping my daughter sell Girl Scout cookies at a booth. A man was leaving and debating whether or not to purchase from these adorable little girls. He stopped and said, "You know, I don't need any cookies, but here's money for a box. Tell the next person walking by that he/she gets a free box of cookies."

The little girls were blown away. That man's free box turned in over 10 people paying it forward.  He made such a difference ... all for $3.50. Not only did he affect multiple people in the store that day, but he taught my daughter a most valuable lesson first hand. She saw the great impact that a small gesture can make!

You DO make a difference. Never believe that you don't. Remember to be careful with your power and use it in the most positive way you can! 

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